Hamri Al-Assad

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24 character
Hamri Al-Assad
Gender Male
Jobs held Self-Employed
Affiliation U.S. Government
Terrorist (previous)
Family NA
Spouse NA
Current status Deceased
Portrayed by Alexander Siddig
Seasons 6

Hamri Al-Assad is a fictional character from the sixth season of the television series 24. He is played by British/Sudanese actor Alexander Siddig.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Hamri Al-Assad was the leader of a Middle Eastern terrorist group believed to be responsible for hundreds of American deaths. In time, however, Assad grew disillusioned with violent methods and sought to legitimize his group and pursue his ends through politics.

Some of Assad's comrades opposed this change. Abu Fayed, a former lieutenant, launched a series of devastating attacks on American cities and set up Assad as the one responsible. After Jack Bauer learned the truth, he managed to rescue Assad before his Los Angeles safe house was destroyed in a U.S. military strike.

Assad and Bauer cooperated to stop a suicide bomber on the Los Angeles Metro. They then trailed the handler in hopes of reaching Fayed.

Assad was offered a full pardon for all past crimes by President Wayne Palmer, under the condition that Assad continue to help stop Fayed and that he bring his and all other affiliated organizations to peace talks. His life was threatened by Agent Curtis Manning, who wished to avenge the brutal murders of his Army comrades by Assad's people. Bauer was forced to shoot and kill Manning in order to protect Assad.

Assad was then taken to CTU Los Angeles to be questioned and debriefed by Bill Buchanan and Nadia Yassir. While being questioned, Assad is able to give CTU the name of a Russian General, Dmitri Gredenko, who met with Fayed, under orders from Assad, about the possibility of acquiring nuclear weapons.

Assad was preparing to deliver a televised statement at the behest of President Palmer, calling on the nation's Muslim community for assistance in stopping further terrorist acts. While Assad expressed concern that any sway he held would be lost if he was perceived as a "puppet," Palmer persuaded him to go ahead instead as a partner. Assad later warns President Palmer that his course of action was an unpopular one, and that Palmer will face consequences from within his own administration. "They will come for you," Assad grimly informed the President.

After Assad's conversation with President Palmer, it is learned that he will be framed for an assassination attempt on Palmer within the next couple hours.

As Assad was preparing to rehearse his speech and concur with the teleprompter, he noticed a liquid draining at the podium. Following the trail, he realized it was a bomb and yelled a warning to everyone in the room. He leaped off the podium, shielding the President's body with his own a split second before the bomb detonated. By a few minutes later, at 5:02 P.M., Hamri Al-Assad is dead, killed in the explosion; Vice President Noah Daniels is convinced that Assad was involved in the assassination, despite Thomas Lennox's insistence that Assad is innocent. He convinces Lennox to lie to the ambassador from Assad's home country, in order to motivate them to be harder on terrorist activities within their borders.

Civilians & Others on 24
Teri Bauer | Rick Allen | Kate Warner | Bob Warner | Reza Naiyeer | Gary Matheson | Yusuf Auda
Claudia | Kyle Singer | Dina Araz | Behrooz Araz | Paul Raines | Cheng Zhi | Diane Huxley
Yuri Suvarov | Anya Suvarov | James Nathanson | Sandra Palmer | Walid Al-Rezani
Hamri Al-Assad | Marilyn Bauer | Josh Bauer | Minor characters