Halloween (The Office episode)

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The Office episode

Michael and his other head in "Halloween"
Episode No. 11
Prod. Code 206
Airdate October 18, 2005
Writer(s) Greg Daniels
Director Paul Feig

The Office Season 2
September 2005 - May 2006

  1. The Dundies
  2. Sexual Harassment
  3. Office Olympics
  4. The Fire
  5. Halloween
  6. The Fight
  7. The Client
  8. Performance Review
  9. E-mail Surveillance
  10. Christmas Party
  11. Booze Cruise
  12. The Injury
  13. The Secret
  14. The Carpet
  15. Boys and Girls
  16. Valentine's Day
  17. Dwight's Speech
  18. Take Your Daughter to Work Day
  19. Michael's Birthday
  20. Drug Testing
  21. Conflict Resolution
  22. Casino Night
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"Halloween" is the fifth episode of the second season of the television series The Office (U.S. version). It was written by Greg Daniels and directed by Paul Feig. It originally aired on October 18, 2005.


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

When Michael enters the office, Pam tells him Jan has called. Michael knows it's because he was supposed to fire someone by the end of the month. So far, he has been putting it off hoping someone would quit, move, or die so he wouldn't have to do it. Of course, he has no idea who he is going to let go. Michael goes to the Accounting Department (Kevin, Angela, and Oscar) and asks them to find $50,000 in the budget (basically, a salary and benefits). Dwight gets on Jim's nerves so he and Pam decide to post Dwight's resume on the web. Angela gets mad at Pam for bringing brownies instead of chips and dip to the office party. Dwight's resume gets a hit so Jim plays Michael and gives Dwight a great reference. When the company, Cumberland Mills, calls Dwight to set up an interview, Dwight immediately ruins his chances by having a rather stern argument with the caller over the importance and relevance of martial arts.

Pam thinks Jim should be the one to be getting better job offers and mentions to Jim that he should apply to Cumberland Mills in Maryland. Jim does not like this suggestion and feels like Pam would not care if he left. Pam tries to back-pedal but Jim makes clear his feelings. Michael tries to practice his firing skills with Jim, but doesn't fire him. Michael decides to fire Creed, after unsuccessfully trying to fire Pam and Stanley. Creed is unwilling to be fired so he talks Michael into letting Devon go, which he does. Devon retailiates by smashing a pumpkin on Michael's car. At the end of the episode, we see a guilty Michael alone at home on Halloween, handing out candy to trick-or-treaters.

[edit] Deleted scenes

  • Michael walks sadly through the office, unconvincingly reassuring everyone that "everything's going to be fine."
  • Toby asks Michael for the name of the employee that will be fired so he can start the paperwork. Michael tries to fire Toby.
  • As Michael takes the elevator downstairs. Leo and Gino from Vance Refrigeration mug for the cameras. At the security desk, Michael unsuccessfully asks the guard to be available to subdue an employee that has "gone postal." (He also tries to fire the guard.) Michael is determined to have made his decision by the time the elevator returns him to the second floor, but the door opens before he is ready.
  • Michael's proposal that everyone take a 10% pay cut is not met with enthusiasm.
  • Additional footage of Michael trying to fire Creed.
  • Michael tells a long, rambling story about a deer hunting trip. The deer did not die instantly, and "it's hard to hit another living thing in the face with a shovel for about an hour."
  • Michael calls Jan, angry that he was forced to betray "one of my best buddies."
  • Michael sulks at the lame office Halloween party.
  • In a talking head interview, Dwight explains that he is destined to sell paper at Dunder Mifflin.

[edit] Trivia

  • When Devon is fired, he informs everyone he will be at Poor Richard's and proceeds to enumerate the employees who are welcome to join him after work, omitting Michael, Creed, Dwight and Angela.
  • A Microsoft Word document with Dwight's resume (as seen in the fax machine) was uploaded to Monster.com about a month before this episode aired. The resume was apparently created by producer Kent Zbornak. As of February 2007, it is still active.
  • "Halloween" is the only episode to date to have a quote to play over the Deedle-Dee Productions title card in the closing credits. (Dwight: "Quiet, you!")
  • Reruns of the episode that have been shortened for time include a different edit of the show where Creed is the one fired thus causing continuity errors for viewers who have only seen this version.
  • Dwight further parodies Darth Sidious when he speaks to Michael and says, "Quiet, you!"
  • Coincidentally, three female characters are in cat costume. The costumes the characters wore for the Halloween party are as follows:
Person Costume
Michael Two-Headed Man
Dwight Sith Lord
Jim Three-Hole-Punch Jim
Pam Black Cat
Ryan (no costume)
Kevin Dunder Mifflin Superhero (a la Mr. Incredible)
Toby Hugh Hefner
Angela White Cat
Oscar Woman
Stanley (no costume)
Phyllis Leopard
Meredith Person With Bloody Head
Kelly Dorothy
Creed Count Dracula
Devon Hobo
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details about future episodes follow.
  • "Halloween" could be considered the first suggestion of Oscar's homosexuality, although cross-dressing does not necessarily imply sexual orientation, Oscar reacts strongly to Michael's suggestion that Oscar is showing his "true colors".

[edit] External links