Hall subgroup

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In mathematics, a Hall subgroup of a finite group G is a subgroup whose order is coprime to its index. They are named after the group theorist Philip Hall.


[edit] Definitions

A Hall divisor of an integer n is a divisor d of n such that d and n/d are coprime. For example, the Hall divisors of 24 are 1, 3, 8, and 24.

A Hall subgroup of G is a subgroup whose order is a Hall divisor of the order of G.

If π is a set of primes, then a Hall π-subgroup is a subgroup whose order is a product of primes in π, and whose index is not divisible by any primes in π.

[edit] Examples

  • If G is the simple group of order 60, then 15 and 20 are Hall divisors of the order of G, but G has no subgroups of these orders.
  • The simple group of order 168 has two different conjugacy classes of Hall subgroups of order 24 (though they are conjugate under an outer automorphism of G).
  • The simple group of order 660 has two Hall subgroups of order 12 that are not isomorphic.

[edit] Hall's theorem

Hall proved that if G is a finite solvable group and π is any set of primes, then G has a Hall π-subgroup, and any two Hall π-subgroups are conjugate. Moreover any subgroup whose order is a product of primes in π is contained in some Hall π-subgroup. This result can be thought of as a generalization of Sylow's Theorem to Hall subgroups, but the examples above show that such a generalization is false when the group is not solvable.

Hall's theorem can be proved by induction on the order of G, using the fact that every finite solvable group has a normal elementary abelian subgroup.

[edit] A converse to Hall's theorem

Any finite group that has a Hall π-subgroup for every set of primes π is solvable. This is a generalization of Burnside's theorem that any group whose order is of the form paqb for primes p and q is solvable, because Sylow's theorem implies that all Hall subgroups exist. This does not give another proof of Burnside's theorem, because Burnside's theorem is needed to prove this converse.

[edit] Sylow systems

A Sylow system is a set of Sylow p-subgroups Sp for each prime p such that SpSq=SqSp for all p and q. If we have a Sylow system, then the subgroup generated by the groups Sp for p in π is a Hall π-subgroup. A more precise version of Hall's theorem says that any solvable group has a Sylow system, and any two Sylow systems are conjugate.

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