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Haldan is a character from the fictional world created by J.R.R Tolkien. He is written about in The Silmarillion.

He belongs to the Edain, and more specifically to the Haladin. His father is Haldar, son of Haldad and brother of Haleth. Haldad had become leader of the Haladin and had gathered them between Ascar and Gelion in Thargelion when they had been attacked by Orcs. There, they had built a stockade and been besieged. Haldad and Haldar his son were both killed, but Haldad's daughter Haleth had managed to hold the Haladin together till they were saved by Caranthir, Fëanor's son.

The Haladin kept Haleth as their leader afterwards; they were known as the People of Haleth and were led by her to the forest of Brethil. Her nephew Haldan, however, became lord of the Haladin after her.

Haldan's son was Halmir.

[edit] The Lords of the Haladin

                      |         |
                  Haldar       Haleth
                  |                          |
    Glóredhel = Haldir                    Hareth = Galdor