Hala Sultan Tekke

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Hala Sultan Tekke with Larnaca Salt Lake in the foreground

The Mosque of Umm Haram or the Hala Sultan Tekke, as it is known, is the chief Muslim shrine in Larnaca, on the island of Cyprus. It is also a listed Ancient Monument of B Schedule no.8 in the Larnaca District. The accounts regarding its existence have generally been dated from the first Arab raids on Cyprus (A.D 647 or A.D 649). The most likely account tells of the death of the wife of “Ubada bin al-Samit”, Umm Haram, during a raid upon the island organized by Muawiyah. She fell from her mule and died after breaking her neck during the siege of Larnaca. She was buried near the salt lake and her grave became a sacred shrine. Hala Sultan (Umm Haram) was the Prophet Muhammad’s ‘wet-nurse’. This Mosque named after her, lies in a serene and picture perfect setting on the shores of the Larnaca Salt Lake.

During the second half of the second millennium B.C, the area of the Hala Sultan Tekke was used as a cemetery by the people who lived in a large town a few hundred metres to the West. A part of this town was excavated by a Swedish archaeological mission and proved to be a major urban centre of Late Bronze Age Cyprus. More recent archaeological investigations conducted by the Department of Antiquities under the women’s quarter of Hala Sultan Tekke have revealed building remains dated to the late Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic periods (6th1st c. B.C). Several finds indicate that the site might have been used as a sanctuary but the limited scale of the investigations precludes definite conclusions about its use.

The Ottomans built the mosque complex itself in a series of stages in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. A shrine was built by Sheikh Hassan in A.D 1760. Later the mosque was constructed and the complex assumed its present form around A.D 1816/17. Hala Sultan Tekke is composed of a mosque, mausoleum, minaret, cemetery, and living quarters for men and women.

Hala Sultan is the Turkish form of “Umm Haram”. For Muslims, the Tekke is considered as one of the most important visiting sites after the Kaaba in Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad’s tomb in Medina and Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.[citation needed]


[edit] Description of the Tekke

Aerial photo of the Larnaca Salt Lake (in winter) with Hala Sultan Tekke
Aerial photo of the Larnaca Salt Lake (in winter) with Hala Sultan Tekke

When the mosque, minaret and living quarters were constructed after A.D 1760, we get more accounts and descriptions about the shrine and the Tekke from Muslim as well as from Christian travellers and pilgrims. According to the stories told by the foreign travellers visiting Cyprus, there was a tomb which was known as the “old woman’s tomb” between A.D 1683-1767. Both Muslims and Christians considered the tomb as a sacred place; therefore it attracted worshippers from both religions.

It is said that the tomb was discovered by a dervish called Sheikh Hasan. It is highly probable that Sheikh Hasan travelled around Cyprus and spread the stories about Umm Haram. People hearing the stories started to visit the tomb. The myths suggest that the dolmen stones had healing powers and people coming with certain illnesses touched the stones and their diseases were cured, and crippled visitors started to walk. The dervish managed to convince some religious figures of the site’s sacred nature in A.D 1760 and with the permission he received from the authorities he constructed a shrine around the tomb. He decorated the tomb and the shrine with the presents brought by the people. According to another story, Cyprus governor Mehmet Agha erected wooden fences around the tomb in order to protect it from the plague in A.D 1760. His successor Acem Ali Agha replaced the wooden fences with a bronze fence with two doors.

In another account, Giovanni Mariti, who visited Cyprus between A.D 1760-1767, wrote that the shrine was built by the Cyprus governor Ali Agha. According to Mariti until A.D 1760 they used the stones of the standing church in the ruined Meneou village as the construction materials. In another source, it is mentioned that construction of the mosque was initiated by the Cyprus governor Seyyid Mehmet Emin Efendi in a classical Ottoman style, and it was completed in November A.D 1817.

The entrance to the garden of the Tekke is through a gate, on which there is an Ottoman inscription dated 4.3.1813. Sultan Mahmud II’ monogram appears on both sides of the inscription and reads, “Hala Sultan Tekke was built by God’s beloved great Ottoman Cyprus governor”. The garden at Tekke was designed by a pasha (a high ranking military officer), hence it was known as “Pasha garden” before 1760 A.D. The complex of buildings adjacent to the Tekke was known as “Gülşen-Feyz” (the rose garden of plenitude). To the north (left) of the Tekke entrance there used to be a guesthouse for men. On the right of the entrance, there was another guesthouse of which one block was reserved for men (Selamlık) and the other for women (Haremlik). In the past, people used to promise to dedicate themselves to serve the Hala Sultan Tekke if their wish came true.

The mosque was built with yellow stone 13 x 13 cm blocks. It is a square shaped construction and it is covered with a kubbe (dome-shaped top). A balcony lies in front. Within the mosque can be found a wooden women’s section and a wishing well. The minaret is connected to the mosque at its northwestern corner. It was repaired in A.D 1959.

Umm Haram’s tomb is located behind the qibla wall (in the direction of Mecca) of the mosque. At the entrance of the tomb there is an inscription in Arabic script, which dates back to A.D 1760. On the eastern section of the tomb there are five separate tombs. In the past, former sheikhs of the tomb were buried next to Umm Haram’s tomb. Thus, two former Sheikhs of the Tekke were buried at the eastern section of Umm Haram’s tomb. A two-leveled marble sarcophagus, with the date 12 July 1929, is the most important tomb there. The tomb belongs to the Queen of Hashemite Adile Hüseyin Ali, the Turkish wife of the last Hashemite King Hüseyin ibn Şerif Ali, who was the grandson of the Ottoman vizier Mustafa Reşit Pasha. Since the former king was the descendant of the Prophet Mohammad, after his death, he too was buried there.

At the eastern corner of the mosque and the Tekke, there is a cemetery, which was closed to burials around A.D 1899. The tombs in the cemetery belong to Mustafa Efendi (died in A.D 1821); Mustafa Agha who was believed to be the governor of Cyprus (died A.D 1813); Muhtar Efendi who was the tax collector of Cyprus (died on 5 October 1843); and Ebu Bekir Nejib Efendi (died A.D 1855).

Opposite to the mosque, there is an octagonal fountain, which was built around A.D 1796-1797 by the Cypriot governor Silahtar Kaptanbaşı Mustafa Ağa, who was known to be an expert on the waters of Cyprus. This information is recorded on the marble inscription located on the fountain. On an inscription dating back to A.D 1895, which was recently discovered in the Tekke’s garden, it is written that the water was brought by Abdül Hamit.

Opposite to the mosque, there is an octagonal fountain, which was built around 1796-1797 by the Cypriot governor Silahtar Kaptanbaşı Mustafa Ağa, who was known to be an expert on the waters of Cyprus. This information is recorded on the marble epigraph located on the fountain. On an epigraph dating back to 1895, which was recently discovered in the Tekke’s garden, it is written that the water was brought by Abdül Hamit.

[edit] Holy status in Islam

The mosque is Islam’s third sacred holy site, after the Kaaba in Mecca and the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina, according to the United Nations Development Programme. [1] In an assessment of the environmental and cultural assets of Cyprus, Professor George E. Bowen, a senior Fullbright scholar at the University of Tennessee, is quoted as referring to the Hala Sultan Tekke as the third holiest place for Muslims in the world. [2] There are a number of other sources referring to the Hala Sultan Tekke as Islam's third-holiest site, [3][4] including the Cypriot governments Department of Antiquities which states that "It is the main Muslim pilgrimage site of Cyprus and the third most important holy place of Islam". [5]

Many Cypriot holiday and property websites also name Hala Sultan Tekke as the third holiest site in the Muslim world. [6][7][8][9] [this source's reliability may need verification]

According to the United Nations Peace Keeping force in Cyprus, Hala Sultan Tekke is not just the holiest Muslim shrine in Cyprus, it is one of the holiest shrines in the Islamic world, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. [10] However, there is no mention of the site nor is any importance[citation needed] given to it in mainstream Islamic doctrine.[citation needed]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Hala Sultan Tekke: Where East Meets West. Issue 1. United Nations Development Programme (Spring 2006). Retrieved on November 12, 2006. “In a peaceful setting near Larnaca’s West Lake, surrounded by forest and set against a breathtaking landscape is Hala Sultan Tekke. Islam’s third sacred holy site after the Ka’ba and the Prophet Mohammad’s grave in Mecca, and among the greatest cultural heritage monuments of the world, Hala Sultan Tekke, or Umm Haram, has long been the destination of Muslim pilgrims from Cyprus and the Middle East. The site is also an integral part of Cyprus’ own remarkable history and impressive multicultural heritage, where East meets West.”
  2. ^ Bowen, George E. (April 3, 2001). Assessing the Isle of Cyprus. Patrick S. O'Brien on the University of Tennessee server. Retrieved on November 12, 2006. “Three historic churches and monasteries are within the city. Just outside the city is the location of the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque, the third holiest place for Muslims in the world.”
  3. ^ Boyle, Kevin; Juliet Sheen (October 1997). "Cyprus", Freedom of religion and belief: a world report. London: Routledge, 286–293. LCCN 97-224015 ISBN 0415159776. 
  4. ^ Drayton, Penny (January 1993). "Aphrodite's island". Wood & water 2 (41). "In Cyprus is another highly venerated Islamic site - the third most important after Mecca and Medina - the Hala Sultan Tekke. This, too, has a black rock, said to have fallen as a meteorite as part of the tritholon over the shrine. The shrine is to a woman - the aunt and foster mother of Prophet Mohammed", as quoted by Trubshaw, Bob (February 1993). "The Black Stone - the Omphalos of the Goddess". Mercian Mysteries (14). Retrieved on 2006-11-12. 
  5. ^ Monuments: Hala Sultan Tekke. Republic of Cyprus, Ministry of Communications and Works; Department of Antiquities (2005). Retrieved on March 6, 2006. “The Muslim mosque of Hala Sultan is located in the center of a spectacular garden at the west bank of the Salt Lake, about 6 km southwest of Larnaca. It is the main Muslim pilgrimage site of Cyprus and the third most important holy place of Islam”
  6. ^ The Hala Sultan Tekke. Crown Resorts. Retrieved on March 6, 2006. “Tekke is the tomb of Umm Haram who is said to be the foster mother of the prophet Mohammed. According to Moslem tradition Umm Haram died on this spot in 647 A.D. while accompanying the Arab invaders. It is considered to be the third holiest place in the Moslem world after Mecca and Medina.”
  7. ^ Larnaca. Amorgos Hotel. Retrieved on March 6, 2006. “This is on the back of the Salt Lake and is considered to be the third holiest mosque in the Muslim world after Mecca and Medina.”
  8. ^ The Beauty of Larnaca. Africanos Property Developers (2003). Retrieved on March 6, 2006. “Her shrine, the third holiest in the Muslim world after Mecca and Medina, is today a wonderfully peaceful sanctuary planted with palm trees and flowering shrubs enjoyed by Cypriots and tourists alike.”
  9. ^ Larnaka. J & JA Cyprus Property Services Ltd (2005). Retrieved on March 6, 2006. “On the west side of the lake, resting peacefully amongst a copse of tall Cypress trees, is the Tekke (shrine) of Hala Sultan built to honour a female relative of the Prophet Mohammed Um Haram, who accompanied the Arab invaders of Cyprus in 694AD, but died after falling from a mule near Larnaka. Her shrine the third holiest in the Muslim world, after Mecca and Medina, is today a peaceful sanctuary planted with palm trees and flowering shrubs enjoyed by Cypriots and visitors alike.”
  10. ^ The Cultural Heritage of Cyprus: Part XIII. The Shrine of Hala Sultan Tekke. The Blue Beret. pg.5. Public Information Office of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (June, 2003). Retrieved on March 6, 2006. “Not just the holiest Muslim shrine in Cyprus, Hala Sultan Tekke is one of the holiest shrines in the Islamic world, after Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem.”
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