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Hakuryu, the lovable white dragon with red eyes, is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Saiyuki created by Kazuya Minekura. He is referred to as Jeep in the Japanese anime, as well as in the English series.

His counter part in the original Chinese story Journey to the West is the white horse who is a dragon prince.

[edit] General

Hakuryu is Cho Hakkai's pet, and turns into the green jeep that the Sanzo-Ikkou use for transportation across China and into India.

His favorite perch is Hakkai's shoulder, and he looks after his master with obvious affection. He communicates in chirps and squeaks that Hakkai appears to have no trouble understanding. Occasionally he fights by blinding the enemy with his wings while trying to scratch their eyes out. His fire breath has also been used to help support Hakkai's chi barrier.

Hakuryu answers only to Hakkai, but has been known to help the others out in time of need, most notably in the Chin Yisou story, when he comes to Goku's aid after Goku's leg is broken.

[edit] Name information and controversy

Kazuya Minekura originally had the little white traveling companion named Jipu after the type of vehicle (Jeep) he could transform into. When Saiyuki was in production as an anime, Minekura was forced to change his name to avoid copyright issues in Japan. When the anime and manga were translated, the name of Jeep stuck.

His name literally translates to white dragon (haku=white, ryu=dragon).

[edit] Background

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Hakuryu is often supposed by fans to have been Goujun, General Kenren's (Sha Gojyo's past life) commanding officer in his past life. Minekura has made no official statement to this effect, but the insert to one of the North American DVD release, containing a relationship map between the characters in Saiyuki and Saiyuki Gaiden, does make the connection between the two.

Saiyuki (manga)
v  d  e
Saiyuki · Saiyuki Gaiden · Saiyuki Reload · Saiyuki Gunlock
Sanzo Party: Genjo Sanzo/Koumyou Sanzo · Son Goku · Sha Gojyo · Cho Hakkai · Hakuryu
Kougaiji's Group: Kougaiji · Lirin · Dokugakuji · Yaone
Gyumaoh's Revival Group: Gyokumen Koushou · Dr. Ni Jianyi/Ukoku Sanzo
Others: War Prince Nataku · Gyumaoh · Kanan ·