Hajdú (county)

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Map highlighting Hajdú county in the Kingdom of Hungary
County seat in 1910 Debrecen
Area in 1910 3,343 km²
Population in 1910 253,900
Present country Hungary

Hajdú, formerly known as Hajdúság, is the name of a historic administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary in present-day eastern Hungary. The capital of the county was Debrecen. The territory of the county is now part of the Hungarian county Hajdú-Bihar.

[edit] Geography

Hajdú county shared borders with the counties Heves, Borsod, Szabolcs, Bihar, Békés and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok. The river Tisza touched its western border. The Hortobágy steppe lies in the county. Its area was 3343 km² around 1910.

[edit] History

The Hajdúság region had a special status in the Kingdom of Hungary, but was turned into the proper county Hajdú in the 19th century. After World War II, it was merged with Bihar county(the Hungarian part of pre-Trianon Bihar county) and some smaller parts of the former Szabolcs county to form Hajdú-Bihar county, with its capital at Debrecen.

[edit] Subdivisions

In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Hajdú county were:

Districts (járás)
District Capital
Hajdúböszörmény Hajdúböszörmény
Hajdúszoboszló Hajdúszoboszló
Központ Debrecen
Urban counties (törvényhatósági jogú város)
Urban districts (rendezett tanácsú város)


Comitatus of the Kingdom of Hungary (1896)

Abaúj-Torna | Alsó-Fehér | Arad | Árva | Bács-Bodrog | Baranya | Bars | Békés | Bereg | Beszterce-Naszód | Bihar | Borsod | Brassó | Csanád | Csík | Csongrád | Esztergom | Fejér | Fogaras | Gömör-Kishont | Győr | Hajdú | Háromszék | Heves | Hont | Hunyad | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | Kis-Küküllő | Kolozs | Komárom | Krassó-Szörény | Liptó | Máramaros | Maros-Torda | Moson | Nagy-Küküllő | Nógrád | Nyitra | Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun | Pozsony | Sáros | Somogy | Sopron | Szabolcs | Szatmár | Szeben | Szepes | Szilágy | Szolnok-Doboka | Temes | Tolna | Torda-Aranyos | Torontál | Trencsén | Turóc | Udvarhely | Ugocsa | Ung | Vas | Veszprém | Zala | Zemplén | Zólyom

Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia: Belovár-Kőrös | Lika-Krbava | Modrus-Fiume | Pozsega | Szerém | Varasd | Verőce | Zágráb

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