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Typeface Haettenschweiler
Category Sans-serif
Classifications Realist sans-serif
Designer(s) PhotoScript in-house studio
Foundry PhotoScript

Haettenschweiler is a realist sans-serif typeface based on an uppercase metal-cast type called Schmalfette Grotesk (German for bold condensed sans-serif). The face is named for Walter Haettenschweiler, who with Armin Haab, published the book Lettera which uses Schmalfette Grotesk.

Haettenschweiler is often compared with Helvetica Inserat and Impact. Haettenschweiler has narrower characters than Impact. The uppercase R has a curved tail similar to that in the Helvetica family. Counters are minimal, contributing to a loss of legibility in smaller point sizes and in distance reading. The face is installed with Microsoft Office products and is widely available as shareware.