Hadith of the ship

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Hadith-i Safinah is a famous Hadith in Islam.

It is one of the primary hadiths used by the Shia to justify Ali's right in the Succession of Muhammad. The Sunnis interpret it otherwise.

According to the Hadith, Muhammad is known to have said:

"My household is like the ship of Noah; whoever embarks upon it will be saved and whoever turns away from it will be drowned."

In his Ghâyat al-marâm wa-hujjat al-hisâm, p.237, al-Bahrani cites eleven chains of transmission for this hadith from Sunni sources and seven from Shi'a sources. This hadith, narrated from Mufadal ibn Saleeh from Amash has been dubbed as munkar and was not accepted by Bukhari and others according to Mugni fi duafa, number 6395 and Mizan, number 8728.

The hadith is found in the following sources: