Hadith of Umar, Mut'ah and wretched persons

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Nikah Mut'ah

– a discipline of Islamic marital jurisprudence

Hadith regarding its legality
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A famous recorded oral tradition among Muslims (Arabic: hadith) is about Umar, the second Sunni Caliph and temporary marriage (Arabic: Nikah Mut'ah).

Although the narration is prominently quoted and referred to, it is not given any formal name, in contrast to other hadith such as the Hadith of the pond of Khumm or the Hadith of Qur'an and Sunnah


[edit] Narration

[edit] Muslim view

We read in Tafseer Durre Manthur Volume 2 p. 40 commentary Nisa 24:

"Hakim was asked whether the verse on Mut'ah has been abrogated, he said "No, Ali (RA) said: The Mut'ah is a blessing from Allah to his servants. If it were not for Umar forbidding it, no one would commit (the sin) of fornication except the wretched (Shaqi; an utmost wrong-doer)".

Suyuti is a renowned Sunni Scholar and his virtues are expounded in detail in the book of Rijjal. In his Tafseer he states that he compiled this Tafseer with good chains he found. Suyuti's recording of Maula Ali's testimony is proof that Umar banned Mut'ah not Rasulullah. Maula Ali deemed this to be clear deviation and deemed Umar to have perpetuated a major sin, and was in effect responsible for people fornicating.

We are citing the following authentic Sunni Sources:

   * Tafseer Durre Manthur Volume 2 p. 40
   * Tafseer Gharab al Quran Volume 3 p. 6 pt 5
   * Tafseer Tabari Volume 5 p.
   * Tafseer Kabeer Volume 3 p. 95
   * Tafseer al Abi Hayyan Volume 3 p. 18
   * Kanz al Ummal Volume 8 p. 94.
   * Musanaf Abdul Razaq Volume 7 p. 00
   * Bidayat al-Mujtahid, by Ibn Rushd, v2, p. 8
   * al-Nihaya, by Ibn al-Athir, v2, p. 49
   * al-Faiq, by al-Zamakhshari, v1, p. 31
   * Lisan Al-Arab, Ibn Mandhoor, v19, p. 66
   * Taj al-Aroos, v10, p. 00
   * Fat'h al-Bari, v9, p. 41
   * Al-Iqd Al-Fareed, v2, p. 39
   * Umadat al-Qari, by al-'Ayni, v8, p. 10,

All these sources have the words of Imam 'Ali (as):

"Ali (r) said: The Mut'ah is a blessing from Allah to his servants. If it were not for Umar forbidding it, no one would commit (the sin of) fornication except a wretched person".

In 'Lughuth al Hadeeth' Volume 4 page 9 Chapter "Meem", Maulana Waheed'ud Deen az Zaman further expands on the words of Maula 'Ali (as):

Hadhrath 'Ali [r] said 'Had Umar not banned Mut'ah then the only person to fornicate would have been a disgraceful person, since Mut'ah is easy, and one can attain the objective, there would have then been no need to indulge in haraam acts'.

this hadeeth is a mutawattir narration

[edit] Sunni view

Sunni view that this hadith are false and they have not included it in their authorized hadith collection of Bukhari, Muslim or Abu Da'ud.

Suyuti has quoted the hadith in his tafsir:

[edit] Shi'a view

Shi'a Muslims view this hadith as notable and important on several accounts: First, it confirms the Shi'a conclusion that it was Umar, not Muhammad that was the first one to prohibit it.

Secondly, Ali held Umar personally liable for all future acts of Zina, hence any narration where Ali said that Mut'ah is haram is to be ignored [5].

Further, Ali's student, Ibn Abbas is quoted as repeating Ali's words, and further ahead is Ali's granchildren also repeating the same phrase.

[edit] References

  1. ^
  2. ^ A Shi'a hadith attributes to Imam as-Sadiq from Hurr al-'Amali in his Wasa'il, where he was asked if anything had come to abrogate the ayat of Mut'ah ref
  3. ^ Tafsir Dur al-Manthur Volume 2 p. 41 Ayat Mut'ah Arabic
  4. ^ Tafsir Dur al-Manthur Volume 2 p. 40
  5. ^ ref

[edit] See also