Hadith of Sabra reporting on the prohibition of Mut'ah

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Nikah Mut'ah

– a discipline of Islamic marital jurisprudence

Hadith regarding its legality
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One single (Arabic: Ahaad) famous recorded oral tradition among Muslims (Arabic: Hadith) is about the legality of temporary marriage (Arabic: Nikah Mut'ah) and is the most prominent quoted Hadiths regarding the legality of Nikah Mut'ah.

Although that narration is prominently quoted and referred to, it is not given any formal name, in contrast to other hadith such as the Hadith of the pond of Khumm or the Hadith of Qur'an and Sunnah


[edit] Overview

The narration is reported in two versions, both involving Sabra and the same basic event.

[edit] The narration

From Sahih Muslim, Abu Da'ud, Ibn Majah, Al-Nasa'i, and Darimi [1]:

In another version [2]:

[edit] Sabrah, Year of Conquest, his companion from Banu Sulaim, three nights

[edit] Sabrah, During the Victory of Mecca, fifteen days, companion of my tribe

[edit] Sabrah, until Day of Resurrection

[edit] Sabrah, two cloacks

[edit] Sabrah, Day of Conquest of Mecca, two red cloacks

[edit] Sabrah

Timing: In one Hadith, Rabi ibn Sabra claims that Mut'ah was prohibited in Conquest of Mecca in 8 AH, While in other version, the same Rabi ibn Sabra claims that Mut'ah was prohibited in 10 AH at the Last Pilgrimage.

[edit] Views

[edit] Sunni view

Ibn Kathir, a 14th century Sunni Islamic scholar stated in his Tafsir of an-Nisa, 24 states [12]:

Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya, a 14th century Sunni Islamic scholar was of the opinion that this hadith is not authentic and that Umar was the one who prohibited Nikah Mut'ah, and Muslims being ordered to follow Umar's ways:

Ibn al-Qayyim iterates the most common view on when Muhammad is supposed to have forbidden it:

[edit] Shi'a view

The Shia site answering-ansar.org is quoted questioning:

Was Sabra the only person to have heard the prohibition at Fath Makka?
It is also strange that amongst all the multitude of companions only Sabra saw the Prophet (S) standing between the 'pillar and the gate' (Sahih Muslim Book of Nikah 008, Number 3256) declaring the prohibition of Mut'ah. Were all the others deaf? Had they ALL gone to the toilet at the same time? Or did they intentionally cover this hadith up as they enjoyed practising what today's Nasibi call prostitution?

Shia argue that Sabrah ibn Ma'bad is not reliable, and state that even some Sunni scholars have made similar statements. They further argue that the other narrators in the Isnad are deemed unqualified for their task, citing Tahdhib al-Tahdhib by Ibn Hajar Asqalani.

Shia claim that this hadith is very contradictory and count the following points:

A) Kanz al-Ummal Volume 8 page 295 has three separate narration's from Sabra concerning the prohibition on Mut'ah, the first says Muhammad banned Mut'ah at Khayber, the second says it was banned at the time of the Conquest of Mecca, the third says that it was banned at the Farewell Pilgrimage. Then they conclude it as self evident that a single narration from one Book ith one narrator can not have three different narration's about when Mut'ah was abrogated and still be reliable.

B) In Sahi Muslim No. 3253, the quotation reads "the permission (to make Mut'ah) was for 15 days after entering Mecca". While in Muslim 3257, the quotation reads, as we entered Mecca".

C) In Sunan Ibn Maja, chapter 44 tradition No. 1962 the tradition records that the prohibition occurred the "next day" after (Sabra) contracted Mut'ah. While in Muslim 3258 it says that it was made (Mut'ah) haram after three nights.

D) In Sahi Muslim 3253, it is recorded that Sabra and his cousin were the ones who went out to seek for a woman with a view to contract Mut'ah with her. Sabra belongs to the clan of Banu Jahina which belongs to Qatha'ah tribe. However, in Muslim tradition No. 3258 Sabra is reported to have said "So I and a friend of mine from Banu Salim went out...".

E) In Sahi Muslim tradition No.3253, we understand that it is Sabra who made Mut'ah with the woman after giving out his cloak as a dower. However in Musnad Ahmad vol.3 pg. 405, we are told that Sabra was the ugly one with the new cloak and hence the woman made Mut'ah with his cousin despite his old cloak since he was handsome.

Then Shia conclude that such a contradictory narration cannot be used to cancel a verse of the Quran.

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://www.answering-ansar.org/answers/mutah/en/chap6.php
  2. ^ http://www.answering-ansar.org/answers/mutah/en/chap6.php
  3. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3252
  4. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3258
  5. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3253, 8:3254
  6. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3262, Template:Muslim-ucs
  7. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3256
  8. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3261
  9. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3260
  10. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3257
  11. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3259
  12. ^ site, offline as of 2006-09-29 Google Cache
  13. ^ Zad al-Ma'ad vo1.2 pg. 184 or Volume 2 p. 05 or p.205
  14. ^ Zad al-Ma'ad Volume 1 page 442

[edit] See also