Talk:Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
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I am writing this article as I read the book so it is in progress. It will probably need some editing after I am done with it. Also, initially the article will look like a raw dump of info, but I will edit it for content afterwards. Dori 06:36, Nov 29, 2003 (UTC)
I believe the story about Stewart Nelson conflates two episodes. While I believe he was involved in making blue boxes, I had a brief look at a schematic for one about 1969, this was long after he was involved in programming the pdp-1 to generate dial pulses, not tones, to trace out the MIT telephone network and the networks it connected to. I briefly saw a map of this network around 1965. I heard that the dialing project came to light one night when a telephone company repairman was called in to fix an unrelated problem in the MIT telephone exchange. It seems they had made a factor of two programming error and the pdp-1 output bit was dialing at 5 pulses per second, not the standard 10 pulses per second. The sound of this slow dialing stood out audibly in the nightime quiet of the MIT exchange. The repairman investigated the odd sound and this led to the discovery of the project.--AJim 05:36, 4 June 2006 (UTC)
this is an added part: usally people think that hackers are bad ones in this technolgical world but they are the ones that reveal the truth about the secret of the crazy world we live in today the bad ones are the crackers they use there cryptolgy skills to destroy your most chersied files programs im speaking from experiance so please don't condem people who hack condem the people who crack
This is an added part: usually people think that hackers are bad ones in this technolgical world but they are the ones that reveal the truth about the secret of the crazy world we live in today. The bad ones are the crackers they use there cryptolgy skills to destroy your most cherished files and programs. I'm speaking from experiance so please don't condemn people who hack. Condemn the people who crack.
(...I couldn't understand the other one :D)