H.A. Pogorzelski

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Henry Andrew Pogorzelski was a mathematician who circulated a proof of Goldbach's conjecture that is not accepted among math circles. According to his claim in Crelle's Journal, 292, 1977, 1–12, the proof depends upon the "Consistency Hypothesis", the "Extended Wittgenstein Thesis", and "Church's Thesis", all of which, no doubt, contributed to its dubious reputation among his peers. He published several paperbacks on the "Transtheoretic Foundations of Mathematics", one of which discussed the Goldbach Conjecture in particular.

Though it may appear otherwise, he was, in fact, a conventionally educated mathematician, receiving his Ph.D. from CUNY in 1969 under the advisor Raymond Smullyan. His dissertation was on "Goldbach Sentences in Some Abstract Arithmetics Constructed from a Generalization of Ordinary Recursive Arithmetic". Dr Pogorzelski served as editor of Mathmematic Reviews from 1957-1964.

Professor Pogorzelski served in the US Army in World War II. He is currently a tenured professor of Mathematics at The University of Maine.

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