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Map highlighting Háromszék county in the Kingdom of Hungary
County seat in 1910 Sepsiszentgyörgy
RO Sfântu Gheorghe
Area in 1910 3,889 km²
Population in 1910 148,100
Present country Romania
 Contemporary map about the county
Contemporary map about the county

Háromszék (English translation:Three Chairs; Romanian: Trei Scaune) is the name of a historic administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is presently in central Romania (south-eastern Transylvania). The capital of the county was Sfântu Gheorghe (Romanian, Sepsiszentgyörgy in Hungarian).


[edit] Geography

Háromszék county shared borders with Romania and the Hungarian counties Csík, Udvarhely, Nagy-Küküllő and Brassó. The river Olt flows through the county. The Carpathian Mountains form its southern and eastern border. Its area was 3889 km² around 1910.

[edit] History

Háromszék means "three seats". The Háromszék region was a combination of three settlements (seats) of the Székely: Kézdiszék, Orbaiszék and Sepsiszék. Háromszék county was formed in 1876, when the administrative structure of Transylvania was changed. In 1918 (confirmed by the Treaty of Trianon 1920), the county became part of Romania. Its territory lies in the present Romanian counties Covasna and Braşov (a small part in the south).

[edit] Subdivisions

In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Háromszék county were:

Districts (járás)
District Capital
Kézdi Kézdivásárhely, RO Târgu Secuiesc
Miklósvár, RO Micloşoara Nagyajta, RO Aita Mare
Orbai Kovászna, RO Covasna
Sepsi Sepsiszentgyörgy, RO Sfântu Gheorghe
Urban districts (rendezett tanácsú város)
Kézdivásárhely, RO Târgu Secuiesc
Sepsiszentgyörgy, RO Sfântu Gheorghe
A Székely village in Covasna County (Former Háromszék)
A Székely village in Covasna County (Former Háromszék)

[edit] External links


Comitatus of the Kingdom of Hungary (1896)

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