Gymnasium Schramberg

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Gymnasium Schramberg = Prominent High School in Schramberg in the Black Forest. One of the greatest Highschools in Black Forest (900 pupils, 50 teachers).


[edit] focus

The focus of the Gymnasium Schramberg are natural sciences (Physics) and foreign languages (English, French, and Spanish).

[edit] misc. Infos

This stub is an English abstract of the French wikipedia pages of the “Gymnasium Schramberg”. It should be improved.

[edit] some prominent persons linked to Gymnasium Schramberg

[edit] prominent teachers

[edit] prominent alumnis

[edit] further references

  • Gymnasium Schramberg (Ed.): Gymnasium Schramberg - 1840, 1940, 1990 Festschrift zum Doppeljubiläum 150 Jahre Geschichte, 50 Jahre Abitur. Schramberg 1990.

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