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Gvaot is a Jewish settlement located in Gush Etzion, in the westernmost area of the settlement block. The location controls the highway from Gush Etzion to Beit Shemesh

A 1982 Israeli government decision led to the construction of an IDF outpost at the site in 1984. In 1997 the base was transferred to the Shvut Yisrael Hesder Yeshiva.

Over the following decade the Yeshiva developed the location as a housing area for its married students and their families. Currently 14 families live in the settlements in mobile homes.

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Gush Etzion Regional Council
Kibbutzim: Kfar Etzion | Migdal Oz | Rosh Tzurim
Communal settlements: Alon Shvut | Bat Ayin | Gvaot | Elazar | Har Gilo | Carmei Tzur | Kedar | Kfar Eldad | Ma'ale Amos | Metzad | Neve Daniel | Nokdim (El David) | Tekoa
Outposts: Ibei Hanachal | Ma'ale Rehav'am | Pnei Kedem

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