Gusztáv Batthyány

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 Urs (Hung.: Örs) - one of the seven chieftains who elected Árpád, to who grantor of the codex links his genealogy
Urs (Hung.: Örs) - one of the seven chieftains who elected Árpád, to who grantor of the codex links his genealogy

Gusztáv Batthyány (1803 - 1883) a Hungarian count who donated in 1838 to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the Rohonc Codex together with his entire library. The Batthyány family can trace its roots to the founding of Hungary in 896 AD by Árpád to one of seven princes called Urs. His family set was Németújvár in western Hungary .

He was involved in Magyar national movement as member of the constitutional Hungarian Ministry of 1848.

Count Gusztáv Batthyány signed together with Count Kázmér Batthyány and Bertalan Szemere prince Paul Esterházy leter [1] to his old friends, the Duke of Wellington and Lord Melbourne accusing Kossuth of high treason and terrorism exposing to English supporters divisions in the Magyar national movement.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Times, “Prince Esterházy and the Hungarian Government of 1848”, Vienna, published on November 13, 1851
  2. ^ Conference on British-Hungarian Relations since 1848 (PDF)