
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Gallaeciam Wandali occupant et Suevi, sitam in extremitate Oceani maris occidua. Alani Lusitaniam et Carthaginiensem provincias, et Wandali cognomine Silingi Baeticam sortiuntur."

The Hasding Vandals settled in Gallaecia the Silings in Baetica. Only when Gunderic, lost his Hasding kingdom in Gallaecia, after a battle with Hermericum, he fled to Baetica and became king of the Siling, probably most of the Hasdings were made captives as it was costume in those days. In Baetica the Silings had already lost their king.

"(Fredibalum, regem gentis Wandalorum, sine ullo certamine ingeniose captum ad imperatorem Honorium destinat.)"

"Inter Gundericum Vandalorum, et Hermericum Suevorum reges certamine orto, Suevi in Nervasi [Ms., Nerbasis] montibus obsidentur a Wandalis."

I think this means that the Vandals that tried to leave Bracara were killed the rest of the population was most probably made captive:

"(Olymp. CCC.) Wandali Suevorum obsidione dimissa, instante Asterio Hispaniarum comite, sub vicario Maurocello, aliquantis Bracarae in exitu suo occisis, relicta Gallaecia ad Baeticam transierunt." (Idatii)
