Gulf of Sidra incident (1989)

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Gulf of Sidra incident (1989)

The lead F-14 has just destroyed the last remaining MiG-23.
Date January 4, 1989
Location Gulf of Sidra, Mediterranean Sea
Result U.S. victory
Libya Flag of United States United States
2 MiG-23 Flogger Es 2 F-14A Tomcats
2 aircraft destroyed,
pilots lost at sea
Libyan-United States clashes
Gulf of Sidra (1st)1986 bombingGulf of Sidra (2nd)

The second Gulf of Sidra incident, January 4, 1989, occurred when two US F-14 Tomcats shot down two Libyan MiG-23 Flogger Es that appeared to be attempting to engage them, as had happened previously in the first Gulf of Sidra incident (1981).

In 1973 Libya claimed much of the Gulf of Sidra as its territorial waters and subsequently declared a "line of death", the crossing of which would invite a military response. Tensions between Libya and US heightened after the Pan Am Flight 103-crash on December 21, 1988. The US recognized this as a terrorist attack organized by the Libyan Secret Service. This, as well as the Libyans building a chemical weapons plant near Rabat, caused the US to deploy the USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) near the coast to Libya. A second carrier group, the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) was also being prepared to sail into the Gulf of Sidra.

On the morning of January 4, 1989, the Kennedy battle group was operating some 130km north of Libya, with a group of A-6 Intruders on exercise south of Krete, escorted by two pairs of F-14As from VF-14 and VF-32, and as well as an E-2C from VAW-126. Later that morning the southernmost Combat Air Patrol station was taken by two F-14s from VF-32, AC207 (CDR Joseph Bernard Connelly/CDR Leo F. Enright)(159610 AC207) and AC204 (LT Hermon C. Cook III/CDR Steven Patrick Collins)(159013 AC204). The officers had been specially briefed for this mission. It appears that, for some unknown reason, the pilots were advised to expect some kind of hostilities as well as to wait for a possible signal from the E-2C to open fire.

At 11.50 hrs, after some time on patrol, the E-2 informed the F-14 crews that four Libyan MiG-23s had taken off from Al Bumbaw airfield, near Tobruk. The F-14s turned towards the first two MiG-23s some 50km ahead of the rear pair and acquired them with radars. At the time the Floggers were 72 nautical miles away at 10,000 ft (3,000 m) and heading directly towards the Tomcats and carrier. The F-14s turned away from the head on approach to indicate that they didn't want to engage. The Floggers changed course to intercept at a closing speed of about 870 knots (1,000 mph, 1600 km/h). The F-14s descended to 3,000 ft to give them a clear radar picture of the Floggers against the sky and leave the Floggers with sea clutter to contend with. Four more times did the F-14s repeat this maneuver, still tracking the Libyans. At 11:59 the Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) of the lead Tomcat ordered the arming of the AIM-9 Sidewinder and AIM-7 Sparrow missiles it was carrying. The E-2C had given the F-14 crews order to fire if threatened, the F-14 crews did not have to wait until the Libyans opened fire at this moment.

At almost 12:01 the lead Tomcat pilot said that "Bogeys have jinked back at me again for the fifth time. They're on my nose now, inside of 20 miles", followed shortly by "Master arm on" as he ordered arming of the weapons. At a range of 14 miles (26 km) the RIO of the lead F-14A fired the first AIM-7M Sparrow, he surprised his pilot, who did not expect to see a missile to accelerate away from his Tomcat. The RIO reported "Fox 1. Fox 1." The Sparrow failed to track because of a wrong switch-setting. At ten miles (19km), he launched a second Sparrow missile, but it also failed to track its target.

The Floggers accelerated and continued to approach. At six miles (11 km) range the Tomcats split and the Floggers followed the wingman while the lead Tomcat circled to get a tail angle on them. The wingman engaged with a Sparrow and downed one of the Libyan aircraft. One of the US pilots broadcast "Good kill! Good kill!" The lead Tomcat closed on the final Flogger from the rear quadrant and at 1.5 miles (2.8 km) the pilot fired a Sidewinder, which hit its target. One crewman broadcast "Good kill!" and "Let's get out of here." The Libyan pilots were seen to successfully eject and parachute into the sea, but the Libyan Air Force was unable to recover them. The Tomcats then proceeded north to return to the carrier.

No one is sure to why the two MiGs operated in this manner and provoked an engagement, and the Libyans did not launch a successful rescue operation to recover the pilots. The following day, the Libyans accused the US of attacking two unarmed reconnaissance planes, but the footage, also called the gun-camera videos, showed that the Libyans had been armed with AA-7 Apex missiles. Depending on the model, this can be either a semi-active radar-homing missile or an infrared-homing (heat-seeking) missile.

Identifications of the Tomcats vary. The narrative above used the details from Air Aces [1]. Another source [2] identifies the wingman as AC202 rather than AC204. Both agree on AC207 as the lead.


[edit] See also

[edit] Commercial products

As a result of this and similar incidents, some military-memorabilia vendors have been selling a "Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club" patch, suitable for sewing onto a U.S. Navy G-1 flight jacket. It is suspected that some of these patches are actually worn by fighter pilots. Curiously, although the better-documented incidents in the Gulf of Sidra involved F-14 Tomcats shooting down Russian-made Libyan jets, the commercial patch generally shows an A6-E Intruder flying over several sinking ships. It's true that an A6-E was involved in the 1989 incident, but it served as a spotter and did not engage: the F-14's engaged and made the kills.

[edit] F-14 Tomcat BUNO 159610

At the request of the National Air and Space Museum, the Navy provided BUNO 159610 to its Udvar-Hazy location near Dulles International Airport [3]. Although Tomcat BUNO 159610 downed the Libyan MiG-23 as a VF-32 F-14A model Tomcat, it returned from that deployment and was entered into the F-14D remanufacture program and served later in a precision strike role as a VF-31 F-14D(R). On September 30, 2006, it was formally unveiled to the public with now retired CAPTS Connelly and Enwright on the podium as honored guests.

[edit] External links

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