Gul Evek

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Species: Cardassian
Gender: male
Eye color: brown
Home planet: Cardassia Prime
Affiliation: Cardassian Union
Posting: Vetar commanding officer
Rank: Gul
Portrayed by: Richard Poe

Gul Evek is a character in Star Trek, a Cardassian officer, played by Richard Poe. Evek appeared in three episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, two episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and one of Star Trek: Voyager.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Evek was a Cardassian officer, commander of the Vetar, a Galor class warship. In 2370, Evek led a mission to planet Dorvan V to survey the buildings and equipment that would be left behind when the Native American settlers evacuated. When the colonists refused to leave, it appeared an armed conflict would ensue. Evek, who had lost two of his three sons in the war with the Federation, agreed to withdraw his troops from the surface until some solution could be reached. Following the incident at Dorvan V, Gul Evek remained in the Demilitarized Zone. Later that year, Evek's ship came under attack by Maquis ships. The Enterprise-D intervened and was able to halt the Maquis attack.

When Deep Space 9 personnel contacted Evek for advice on eradicating a vole infestation, Evek wryly suggested that a Federation withdrawal from Bajor might help. Evek interrogated suspected Maquis terrorist William Samuels. He later confronted a group of Federation colony leaders on Volon III, accusing them of taking part in a Starfleet plot to arm the colonists in the Demilitarized Zone, in violation of the new Federation-Cardassian Treaty. Evek was responsible for the arrest of Starfleet officer Miles O'Brien in 2370. Evek later testified against O'Brien during his trial.

Gul Evek commanded the Galor-class warship that pursued Chakotay's Maquis ship into the Badlands in 2371. Evek's fate is unknown.

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