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[edit] GuelphGryphon98

[edit] GuelphGryphon98

[edit] GuelphGryphon98

[edit] GuelphGryphon98


Welcome To GuelphGryphon98's HomePage, Where We Decry The Travesty That is Angr.

This loathsome profligate spends most of his time in front of a computer, thus rendering him completely devoid of any social life, personality, friends, or humanity. When he's not in front of his computer, he'll generally be performing his, albeit abbreviated, ablutions, or watching the original Battlestar Galactica on DVD in his mother's 3 bedroom bungalow, most liekly with a big bowl of popcorn on his often distended stomach. There are many legends surrounding Angr.

If you stare too long into his eyes, you become impotent.... PERMANENTLY!

He never shaves.. Not because he has a beard, but because his face went bald.

He once challeneged Chuck Norris to a fight. Chuck Norris laughed. The laugh was sufficient to defeat Angr.

Legend has it that he once ate a baby because he mistook it for Curried Lamb.