Guerilla phase of the Second Chechen War

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Main article: Second Chechen War

Guerilla warfare and counter insurgency in and around Chechnya since the end of the main Russian offensive in April 2000.


[edit] 2000

  • May 31 - Sergei Zveryev, Russia's second highest-ranking official in Chechnya, was killed by a remote-controlled bomb in Grozny. The city Mayor Supyan Makhchayev, who was with Zveryev, was injured in the bombing, while his assistant was killed. [1]
  • June 6 - Russian police and special forces units have begun an operation aimed at flushing an estimated 500 insurgents in the capital Grozny, as reports said Chechen insurgents slip out of ruins of the city to plant mines on streets and fire rocket-propelled grenades at checkpoints. Meanwhile, Ilyas Akhmadov, Chechnya's unrecognised foreign minister, told reporters in Washington that the separatists want to end what he called "this useless war" with Russia. The commander of VDV Georgy Shpak responded with a statement that the estimated 2,500 active insurgent fighters, who every once in a while are presented an offer to capitulate with promises of an amnesty, should be "exterminated" at any cost.
  • July 2 - Nine Russian soldiers were killed and seven others wounded in a landmine explosion near Chechnya's village of Avtury, Russian presidential aide on Chechnya Sergey Yastrzhembsky told reporters. He also denied reports by some media that about 40 federal soldiers were killed in the continuous battle near Serzhen-Yurt, saying the federal force has lost only 13 people with 18 wounded over the five-day fighting.
  • October 25 - Insurgents staged dozens of attacks in Chechnya, killing at least 13 Russian soldiers and wounding 24, an official said. In three separate attacks using mines - one in Grozny and two in smaller towns - insurgents laid in wait until the military vehicles were incapacitated by the blasts, then opened fire on survivors. [3]
  • October 29 - A bomb blast in a cafe in Chechnya killed at least 14 people, including at least seven Russian soldiers. The explosion which took place in the village of Chiri-Yurt, 18 miles from Grozny. [4]
  • November 11 - Russian general Gennady Troshev told a television audience that 31 Russian troops were killed in recent clashes with the rebels. Troshev said the fighting was in the Argun gorge south of Grozny, and that the Russian soldiers were badly outnumbered when attacked by 1,000 Chechen fighters. An earlier Chechen ambush killed another 20 Russian soldiers. [5]

[edit] 2001

  • January 27 - Six Russian servicemen have died and 13 have been wounded in fighting in Chechnya. The deaths come just days after Russia announced it would reduce its vast military deployment in Chechnya. [6]
  • April 30 - Eleven Russian soldiers killed and 18 wounded in the weekend attacks. [7]
  • May 4 - Two Russian soldiers and nine Chechen fighters were reported killed in fighting, while the bodies of five Russian civilians were found in the capital Grozny, government military sources said.
  • May 7 - Chechen fighters attacked a Russian military column which was going to carry out a mopping up operation in Argun, leaving at least 15 Russian soldiers dead. The heavy fighting in and around the town, during which Russian artillery and military helicopters were used, ended on the next day.
  • July 20 - A Interior Ministry helicopter explodes near Engenoi, killing nine MVD commandos and wounding five. [8]
  • August 11 - Six Russian police have been killed and nine injured in Chechnya by in the blast of remote-controlled bomb detonated under their armoured vehicle. Eleven other soldiers were wounded during a gun battle in the Vedeno region south-east of Grozny after a convoy came under fire, and military said three of the attackers were killed. [9]
  • August 13 - A large force of insurgents attacked the Vedeno region. The fighting, reportedly heaviest since 2000, continued for at least several days. There were reports of a shot down Russian helicopters and the use of SCUD missiles, as well as wounding of Shamil Basayev.
  • August 29 - Insurgents in the village of Oktyabrskoye in Kurchaloyevsky District (eastern Chechnya) killed 12 people in and around a Russian military convoy, reportedly including civilians; the Interfax news agency reported the attack began when a car bomb was detonated as a convoy passed by an outdoor market.
  • September 20 - Seven policemen, including local police chief, were killed during an attack between villages Kurchaloy and Mayrtup.
  • October 16 - Four soldiers killed by IED in Grozny, another three in a convoy ambush in the southern Shalinsky District and at least two in attacks on the Russian outposts across the republic. In retaliation, Russian aircraft attacked suspected insurgent camps in the mountains and launched a search for suspected militants in several southern villages.
  • September 17 - Chechen insurgents carried out large coordinated attacks in towns of Gudermes and Argun, in Nozhay-Yurtovsky District, involving between 100 and 400 fighters. At the time of the attacks Gudermes had been functioning as a de facto capital of Chechnya.
  • December 30 - A four-day battle and cleansing operation in the large village of Tsotsin-Yurt, south of Grozny, reportedly results in dozens of deaths among combatants and civilians; 11 local vanish after being detained.

[edit] 2002

  • January 17 - More than 30 Russian servicemen reportedly died in separate attacks on troop columns in Vedeno and Urus-Martan. [10]
  • April 6 - Five Russian soldiers have been killed in Chechnya when their armoured vehicle detonated a mine outside Grozny.
  • April 14 - Russia forces have launched a major operation in southern Chechnya involving aircraft and heavy guns against the Vedensky District after the Chechen guerrillas claimed the lives of nine Russian servicemen in explosions and hit-and-run tactics attacks over 24 hours.
  • April 17 - Eleven Russian servicemen were killed and 13 wounded in two attacks in the southern Shatoysky District
  • August 6 - Eleven local policemen were killed and seven badly wounded when a land mine exploded under a military truck that was transporting 33 servicemen back to their barracks in Shatoy. The explosion was so strong that it threw the truck 15 metres away and flipped it over.
  • July 8 - Two soldiers and six police officers were killed in clashes with Chechen rebels, while the Russian troops detained 90 people for questioning over suspected ties to insurgents. [12]
  • October 10 - A bomb attack on a Grozny police station killing 22 Chechen policemen, including many senior officers, and wounding nine. It is suspected that one of the policemen was responsible for planting the bomb, which went off during the conference of Grozny police commanders; 40 officers were reportedly attending the meeting.
  • September 15 - Twelve Russian servicemen and one rebel killed in several attacks, more than 100 suspected rebels were detained in security sweeps. [14]
  • September 24 - Ruslan Gelayev's forces raided into Ingushetia, capturing the villages of Tarskoe and then Galashki. Gelayev's 150 fighters, including 30 Kabardinians and Balkars, became surrounded, took large losses and were dispersed. At least 21 Russian servicemen, including two Mi-24 pilots, and as many as 40 rebels were reported killed in clashes by the Russian officials.
  • November 3 - Rebels shoot down a Mi-8 helicopter with a portable ground-to-air missile near Grozny, killing nine servicemen.
  • November 15 - An official in the Chechen administration said that 12 federal service personel and allied Chechen militia soldiers were killed.
  • November 16 - Lieutenant-General Igor Shifrin, head of the Army's Glavspetzstroi (Main Directorate of Special Construction), was killed in ambush in Grozny when his and another vehicle came under intense fire from automatic weapons. Two policemen were killed and two more were wounded, while unspecified number of Chechen gunmen were reported killed in the firefight and at least 220 people were detained by Russian forces. [15]
  • December 27 - Chechen suicide bombers ran vehicles into the heavily guarded republic's government headquarters in Grozny; 72 people are killed and 210 injured in the blast.

[edit] 2003

  • January 9 - Fifteen Russian soldiers and police officers and two insurgents were killed in the fighting, including nine Russian soldiers who died when their convoy came under fire in Grozny.
  • April 21 - Chechen insurgents opened fire on Russian troops in several clashes, killing seven soldiers and wounding seven others. [16]
  • March 5 - The Chechen OMON commander Dzhabrail Yamadayev was killed in his own house in the village of Dyshne-Vedeno by a bomb planted under a couch that he slept on.
  • May 12 - Suicide bombers drive a truck bomb into a government administration and security complex in Znamenskoye in northern Chechnya, killing about 50 and injuring 400, including civilians. The blast destroys the republican HQ of the FSB.
  • August 22 - Nine Russian soldiers were killed and two wounded by a remote-controlled car bomb, which went off as a column of military vehicles drove by. The bomb blew up as a column of military vehicles drove by, fully destroying a Zil-131 truck. [17]
  • June 1 - Five Russian soldiers dead and 11 others wounded in a rebel ambush in Ingushetia and other attacks. [18]
  • June 25 - Eight Russian soldiers and one police officer have been killed in clashes with Chechen guerrillas, who themselves lost two men. Russian air attacks struck suspected insurgent camps in the southern Vedeno district, and artillery pounded the Vedeno, Itum-Kale and Kurchaloy districts. [19]
  • July 08 - Chechen rebels kill at least 10 Russian servicemen, including three in a shot-down a Mi-8 military helicopter, while federal forces shelled several regions and detained at least 150 people in a series of sweeps throughout the republic. [20]
  • July 12 - Insurgents in southern Chechnya staged several hit-and-run attacks against federal positions, killing 16 soldiers and wounding 13. Nine of them were killed in a heavy KamAZ truck at the head of a convoy returning to base in the Shatoy region, when it hit a remote-controlled land mine and was attacked with small arms and grenades.
  • July 21 - Six Russian soldiers were killed and eight wounded in an overnight clash with separatist fighters near the village of Dyshne-Vedeno; the Russian military said six Chechen fighters were also killed in the gunfight. [21]
  • November 3 - Nine Russian soldiers were killed and 16 wounded by attacks and mines laid by Chechen separatists. The Russian military responded by pounding the southern Vedeno district from the air and shelling suspected separatist bases, and detained at least 180 people on suspicion of aiding the separatists.
  • November 23 - Seventeen militants were killed by a Russian special forces in a raid on a base near the Chechen village of Serzhen-Yurt. The Kremlin later displayed passports belonging to an Algerian, three Turks and Thomas Fischer, a German, who were among the dead.
  • December 14 - Nine Russian border guards are killed in a raid by 25-30 Chechen fighters on Dagestan. [22]

[edit] 2004

  • February 28 - Ruslan Gelayev and two Russian border guards kill each other on the Russian-Georgian border.
  • March 26 - A military truck drove out of a Russian military base in Shali after curfew and hit a minefield planted outside to deter a guerrilla attack, killing 10 soldiers. It was later discovered that the truck was driven by a military officer without permission. In addition, separate other incidents claimed the lives of 11 soldiers and policemen.
  • April 13 - Eleven Russian soldiers killed and 15 wounded in Chechnya, including five killed in a shelled convoy near Shali. [23]
  • April 15 - Ten Russian soldiers died and five were wounded in attacks throughout Chechnya, while over 200 people were detained in a security sweeps for suspected insurgents and accomplices. [24]
  • April 16 - Saudi-born Abu al-Walid, successor to Ibn al-Khattab, was killed in the mountains by a Russian aerial bombing.
  • June 4 - Four contract soldiers killed and five wounded, including a senior officer, in the attack against army headquarters convoy in Itum-Kale. [26]
  • June 8 - Officials in Chechnya said today that at least 10 Russian servicemen and eight insurgents have died in several clashes. Simultaneously, 200 people were detained on suspicion of aiding the rebels.
  • August 12 - Eight Russian soldiers were killed and 11 wounded in separate attacks. [27]
  • November 8 - Chechnya's administration said Russian troops killed at least 18 separatist fighters in Vedensky District. Chechen rebel death toll was one of the highest reported by the pro-Moscow authorities in months. [28]

[edit] 2005

  • January 2 - A three-day battle on a mountain near Gimry in Dagestan between some 3,000 Russian troops and a group of estimated eight armed rebels leaves three Russians dead and more than 10 wounded.
  • January 5 - An official with the Chechen administration reported that 14 Russian soldiers and three local Chechen troops have been killed in a series of incidents in Chechnya over the last two days. At least 15 troops were reported wounded. [29]
  • January 8 - Four rebels killed in a destroyed building in Nazran, Ingushetia. [30]
  • January 29 - A Russian report says nine servicemen have been killed by landmine explosions near the village of Alkhan-Yurt. ITAR-TASS quoted a police source as saying the Chechen Interior Ministry soldiers were traveling on the Caucasus federal highway, when their two vehicles were hit by landmines detonated by remote control.
  • February 2 - Major-General Magomed Omarov, Dagestan's deputy Interior Minister, was assassinated in capital Makhachkala, when rebels ambushed his motorcade and killed him in the shoot-out.
  • February 19 - A spokesman for the Russian Army said Yunadi Turchaev, the alleged amir of Grozny responsible for operations in and around the Chechen capital, and an unspecified number of his men were killed in a shootout in Grozny.
  • February 21 - Nine Russian recon soldiers were killed in a blast in the village of Prigorodnoye on the outskirts of Grozny. While official sources attributed the incident to a battle with Chechen guerrillas, who at the time announced an unilateral ceasefire, Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta wrote that some of the soldiers were drunk and one of them fired a grenade launcher in an abandoned factory.
  • March 8 - Chechen separatist President Aslan Maskhadov killed and several of his associates captured in Tolstoy-Yurt.
  • March 10 - A FSB MI-8 helicopter is brought down by gunfire killing at least dozen OSNAZ and FSB servicemen.
  • March 14 - Kantash Mansarov, imam of the militant Jamaat group in Grozny who was the alleged coordinator of undercover operations in the capital since the death of Turchaev, was reported killed while resisting arrest.
  • May 15 - During a raid in a suburb of Grozny, Russian forces killed four militants, including Vakha Arsanov, former vice president of the Ichkerian government. Also on same day, the Chechen guerilla commander Danilbek Eskiyev was killed in the village of Gerzel in Gudermessky District.
  • May 17 - Senior insurgent leader Alash Daudov and three associates were killed by the OSNAZ FSB in Grozny. On the same day the Special Forces also announced the killing of Rasul Tambulatov, militant commander for Chechnya's Shelkovsky District, and the capture of five of his associates who they said were bomb specialists.
  • April 15 - A fierce skirmish took place between Chechen guerrillas and Russian elite forces in Grozny's Leninsky city district. Reportedly six Chechen fighters from Doku Umarov's group and five OSNAZ soldiers were killed. There were some civilian casualties. [31]
  • July 16 - A Mi-8 helicopter crashes in the highland Chechnya, killing eight.
  • July 19 - Eleven policemen, a local FSB agent and three civilians were killed when a booby-trapped police vehicle was blown up in the northwestern Chechen village of Znamenskoye. Nearly thirty others were injured. The initial firefight was designed to draw more policemen to the scene and maximise casualties with an explosion.
  • August 7 - Chechnya's administration said today that nine Russian soldiers were killed and nine more wounded in weekend clashes. [33]
  • August 14 - Colonel Aleksandr Kayak, the commander of the Urus-Martan area, and four other soldiers were killed in a land mine explosion, when Russian troops came to the aid of a local official whose home was under attack. [34]
  • August 26 - Dagestani Prime Minister Ibragim Malsagov was wounded in a double bomb attack on his motorcade in Nazran which killed his driver.
  • September 15 - A gun battle between police and Chechen separatists barricaded in a building in Argun led to the deaths of five Russian and Chechen police officers and five Chechen insurgents, while three other servicemen were killed in separate attacks. [35]
  • September 19 - Akhmed Avtorkhanov, former head of security for Ichkerian President Aslan Maskhadov, was killed in Chechnya. On the same day, seven Russian soldiers died fighting militants near the village of Bugovroi and two other soldiers died during in attacks on federal positions. [36]
  • September 24 - Six Russian soldiers were killed and 11 others wounded in Chechnya in the past 24 hours; body of Chechen policeman was found in Minutka Square in Grozny. [37]

[edit] 2006

  • January 30 - Clashes between Russian federal forces and Chechen separatists left five Russian soldiers dead and 10 wounded. There were no figures for losses among the insurgents. [38]
  • May 17 - A military special forces convoy came under intensive small arms fire on the outskirts of the village of Nikitikha in Kurchaloyevsky District of Chechnya, five soldiers were reported killed and six others sustained injuries. An explosion in Ingushetia killed seven people, including among them the republic’s police chief and acting first deputy Interior Minister Dzhabrail Kostoyev.
  • June 17 - Abdul-Halim Sadulayev, the Ichkerian President since the death of Maskhadov, and at least two FSB agents and Chechen militiamen killed and five wounded during a firefight in Argun.
  • July 10 - Leading Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev and three of his fighters were killed in the mysterious truck explosion in the Ingush village of Ekazhevo.
  • July 26, 2006 - Four militants killed in a building burned down by security forces in Makhachkala, Dagestan. [39]
  • September 21 - Five Sverdlovsk OMON special police troopers shot dead in their UAZ vehicle. The attack, a footage of which was released later, took place as the soldiers’ car drew up to a crossroads in Grozny's Staropromyslovsky district. [40] In addition, the head of the Shatoysky District military commissariat was killed.
  • September 23 - Four servicemen from an Internal Troops' spetsnaz unit were wounded and three unidentified gunmen killed in a shootout near the settlement of Yukerchu-Gonkha. In another incident, a group of servicemen was the target of a homemade explosive device on the outskirts of the village of Dzhani-Vedeno, killing two and wounding one.
  • November 3 - A deputy commander of the Oryol Oblast OMON died and four were wounded in the Ural truck explosion on a bridge in Grozny’s Zavodsky district; one policeman died of his injuries. Previously, four Oryol policemen have been killed in Chechnya that year.
  • November 8 - Chechen separatists killed at least seven Mordovian OMON policemen in a road ambush near the village of Dair in southern Chechnya, while two servicemen were killed by a landmine and a policeman was wounded in a shootout in a separate incidents.

[edit] 2007

  • January 29 - Four reconnaissance unit soldiers and one guerilla were killed after a lengthy gunbattle in a forest near the city of Guderemes in eastern Chechnya. The guerilla who lost his life reportedly blew himself up to evade capture after becoming cut off from his comrades. A further two Russians were killed when they came under attack in the Shatoy region, high in the Caucasus mountains.
  • February 2 - Chechen police killed four militants in a security operation in Kurchaloy, Chechnya Interior Minister Ruslan Alkhanov said. He said three militants were killed in the clash and that another was wounded before blowing himself up with a hand grenade.
  • February 13 - Four rebels and two policemen were killed in the village of Ishkoi-Yurt, eastern Chechnya. The rebels were said to be hiding out in a deserted house when they were located and killed by the security forces.
  • February 23 - An explosion at the headquarters of a police unit in Novogroznenskoye, Gudermessky District, killed at least five policemen and injured three in what authorities said was a land mine accident caused by carelessness. There was no way to confirm their comments; rebel website Kavkaz Center claimed that the blast was caused by insurgents.
  • March 19 - Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov vowed to put an end to all remaining guerilla activity in Chechnya within two months.
  • March 21 - Tahir Batayev, a Kumyk-Chechen commander of the northeastern front of the Chechen resistance forces, was killed in a shoot-out in Gudermes with federal forces.
  • March 23 - Four guerrillas have been killed in a clash with federal troops near the village of Tazen-Kale in Chechnya's Vedensky district.
  • March 25 - Rebels published a video of an APC attack near the village of Dargo (Vedeno District) in which they say four soldiers were killed. [41] One soldier died and three were wounded by a roadside bomb outside Gekhi-Chu, Urus-Martan District.
  • April 5 - Kadyrov government said they have killed a top Chechen rebel commander Hayrullah (Suleiman Imurzayev) suspected of assassinating President Akhmad Kadyrov. In March Imurzaev was named a rebel vice premier. There was no way of independently verifying that he had been killed.

[edit] References
