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If a message on your talk page led you here, please be wary of who left it. The code below could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account; if your account appears to be compromised, it will be blocked. If you are unsure of whether the code is safe, you can ask at the help desk.
topaz.statuschanger = new Object();

/* configuration */
// change these to whatever you'd like to show up on your status page.
topaz.statuschanger.statuscode = {
  online:'[[Image:In Icon.PNG|left|100px]]',
  busy:'[[Image:Around Icon.PNG|left|125px]]',
  offline:'[[Image:Out Icon.PNG|left|125px]]'
/* end configuration */

topaz.statuschanger.oldonload = window.onload;
window.onload = function() {
  if (typeof topaz.statuschanger.oldonload == "function") topaz.statuschanger.oldonload();
  topaz.wputil.addsidepanel("tz-statuschanger", "status changer");
  topaz.wputil.addsidepanelbutton("tz-statuschanger", "Online",
  topaz.wputil.addsidepanelbutton("tz-statuschanger", "Busy",
  topaz.wputil.addsidepanelbutton("tz-statuschanger", "Offline",

topaz.statuschanger.setstatus = function(statusname) {