Talk:Guardian Units of Nations

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Why isn't this at Guardian Unit of the Nation instead of G.U.N.? While I wouldn't doubt most people would know of the abbreviation more than the full name, that doesn't mean the article name should be that. Besides, chances are G.U.N. means more than one thing... --Shadow Hog 03:03, 21 November 2005 (UTC)

Hear, hear. --Chèvredan∫ante talk · contrib 00:41, 20 December 2005 (UTC)
This has had well over a month to be debated, but since nobody has debated it, I've gone ahead and done it. This can probably be undone if I stir up unholy wrath from having done this, but I don't think it'll be that big of an issue; we just went from an abbreviation to the unabbreviated name, and fully explain that it's mostly known by the abbreviation. No biggie... right? --Shadow Hog 15:05, 30 December 2005 (UTC)


[edit] GUN Jeep name change

In answer to Chèvredan∫ante's question, when I looked at the vehicle again, it seemed that it wasn't a Jeep and was in fact an Armored Personnel Carrier. I'm not entirely sure what the appropriate name for the vehicle would be, but I know it's an Armored Vehicle of a sort. YesManJr 15:01, 20 December 2005 (UTC)

Oh, okay. :) Chèvredan∫ante talk · contrib 20:58, 20 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] LZ-1 Trooper's name

I'm not entirely sure this is it's correct name, since I think I've seen different codenames written on it. I will recheck and post the outcome a bit later. YesManJr 16:05, 7 January 2006 (UTC)

Why does it say that LZ-1 is a cyborg? There is never any suggestion that GUN has cyborgs (or at least I've never seen any hint). 19:57, 8 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Gun? Heroes?

In the sonic template G.U.N is listed as heroes this is incorrect, although they do protect the city from attack they also are constantly attacking Sonic and his friends, I've even read theorys that say GUN might at it's heart be an evil organazation. Because of this I feel that Gun should appear in the section of nuetral rather than Heroes,

Also another thing is the article makes it sound like G.U.N was aware of thier being two hedghogs all along (Sonic and Shadow) this is also untrue G.U.N initially mistook Sonic for Shadow. Deathawk 18:02, 7 January 2006 (UTC) Well, yes, but Shadow the Hedgehog shows us that they are the main defenders of earth.--Ac1983fan 21:42, 26 January 2006 (UTC) I agree they should be in neutral or villians. Gamma is more of a hero then the child killing,turtle torturing,sadistic freaks at G.U.N and he is in neutral. Delsait

Delsait, no...just...just no. They've proven themselves admirable, they've done nothing wrong intentionally unless for good purposes. The article also didn't make it sound like they knew about there being two hedgehogs all along AT ALL. They've never shown any corrupt members (besides the general, who didn't have the whole picture, and isn't corrupt anymore), they've never "tortured any turtles" (We don't know what they were doing. It might have been self defense.), and they've only attacked Sonic and his friends when they believed them to be evil, or when Sonic's friends attacked them. Heck, Rouge is an AGENT of GUN, and so is Shadow. Don't vandalise the page again. -Chao9999 04:50, 12 November 2006 (UTC)

Vandalis the page,your the one whose vandalising the page. Someone who reads your version will think G.U.N is a saintly organization without flaw,they are not entirely heroic,why else would they attack Sonic in Sonic Rush. And theres no way that the turtle attacked them first,that thing was harmless. Delsait

Dude, in Sonic Rush, we don't even know what was going ON in that level. It's actually implied that that was none of GUN's doing. I didn't say that they were without flaw. And LOOK at that turtle. That things huge. For all you know, GUN came in, and it attacked them, thinking they wanted to destroy it's home. Your version would make people think that they're almost pure evil. You say things like almost every member is corrupt, and that they are willing to sacrifice civillians, torture animals, and destroy cities, and yet NONE of those things have been shown. You act as if their actions in SA2 were unprovoked. Stop vandalising the page and go to uncyclopedia. You'd probably be better of there.-Chao9999 09:02, 12 November 2006 (UTC)

Hows that turtle gonna attack,it didn't even have any teeth,its not a snapping turtle. And yes they do destroy cities remember the part with the truck. And those robots in sonic Rush even have the Gun symbol on them. The Wikipedia needs to be neutral and your version is definetly biased toward G.U.N Delsait

Actually, it's quite the opposite. You, are relying on speculation, whereas I've brought up fact. The FACT is that we don't KNOW what was going on. The FACT is that "Sonic" had just rampaged through a highway causing mayhem and devestation. As for GUN in Sonic Rush, it's strongly hinted that the robots were made by Eggman, possibly as an attempt to fool Sonic. You make this sound like some sort of political endevaour. Just back off and stop your vandalism.-Chao9999 22:00, 12 November 2006 (UTC)

Those robots were definetely G.U.N units, take look at the sprites Theres no way these were made by Eggman,there not powered by Animals and look just like G.U.N robots. As long as gun is doing stuff like this they don't belong in heroes. Delsait

Dude, LISTEN TO ME. We DON'T KNOW what was going on. Maybe Eggman reprogrammed them or something, all we know is that we DON'T KNOW. You're basing ALL of your opinion on a level of a game that doesn't explain what was going on at that point. You're basing your opinion on random speculation, and that DOES NOT BELONG ON WIKIPEDIA. My version was well thought out, had basis, fact, not to mention truth, without speculation. Your version is entirely speculation. "Well, they attacked a Turtle!" "How do you know that IT didn't start it?" "It's harmless!" "And you know that how?" "It's harmless!"

Your opinion is based on random speculation, and does NOT belong in the article. Heck, if GUN was as evil as you say, then they'd be worse than EGGMAN. You're vandalising Wikipedia, PLEASE stop.-Chao9999 00:21, 13 November 2006 (UTC)

As far as I can see, "Hero", while not entirely accurate, is the best place to put the organization in the template. It's not making any claims, the entry simply needs to be put somewhere. --InShaneee 00:32, 13 November 2006 (UTC)

I say the best place to put them in Neutral since they obviously have corruption in their midst. Delsait

That's entrely opinionated, and does not belong on Wikipedia. -Chao9999 01:00, 13 November 2006 (UTC)

That may be transient, or it may just be your opinion. Their goal appears to be basically 'good', so it's just simpler to leave it there. As I said, this isn't necessarily calling them 'good'; the relevant information about them is all in the article itself. --InShaneee 01:01, 13 November 2006 (UTC)

This discussion, such that it is, seems to have moved to Template talk:Sonic characters. -- Supermorff 17:19, 24 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sonic Rush

SR has a level featuring robots which have a strong yet not quite perfect resemblence to Beetles and the standard mech type whose name I forget.. and they are not powered by animals, so I doubt they're just Eggman creations built to resemble GUN's. So shouldn't we mention those? Hell, the whole level seems to be a GUN battleship.. but why do they attack Sonic, and why does Eggman have a presence there as a boss?

I bet it was just designed after guns battleships by Eggman, or EGGman took it over from gun.-- 03:03, 24 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sky Fleet Level

I thought the ship in the Sky Fleet was an ancient Black Arms ship. Not a GUN ship.

Do you mean Air Fleet or Sky Troops? Sky Troops is the Black Arms' temple (Glyphic Canyon) but flying, and Air Fleet is GUN's battleship. Shadoman, March 8 2006

It dosen't matter, both of them take place on a black arms temple, how do you explain the jewels? ~Draykon

The jewels were in Glyphic Canyon. If activated, Sky Troops would launch. Air Fleet is GUN's battleship, and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Black Arms, besides the fact that they want to kill the president. Shadoman, March 16 2006

[edit] 10mm laser cannon?

Strange, but I don't remember seeing this information before. Is this listed in a strategy guide or what? Egg-Emperor 22:31, 28 April 2006 (UTC)

When you fight Bigfoot Hotshot or Flying dog you can read the text it shows. i think thats what you meant.

What I mean is the Hunter. Someone has added information on it, stating that it is armed with a 10mm laser cannon, but I've never seen or heard anything about this. Oh, and the primary weapon of the Big Foot and the Hot Shot is a three barrelled gatling cannon. It's strange, but in SA2:B the scrolling text on the Big Foot battle seems smaller than on the original Dreamcast version. Egg-Emperor 22:01, 15 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Name

Where in canon is GUN referred to as "Guardian Unit of Nations"? 21:49, 17 May 2006 (UTC) Click 'Story' and then 'G.U.N Federation'. 22:59, 22 May 2006 (UTC)

In canon, please. (I was the anon originally asking.) BrokenBeta [talk · contribs] 13:25, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

Why do you think the main site is not canon? Anyway, GUN is referred to as "Guardian Units of Nations" on the official Shadow site and in the game manual.

However, the name is "Units", as in plural. This makes the article's name incorrect. --anon

[edit] Picture?

Most good articles start with a picture... I say we need a picture of GUN's emblem/logo. Gurko 18:37, 10 September 2006 (UTC)

Then maybe we should put there the General of GUN from Shadow The Hedgehog?