Guantanamo suicide attempts

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On June 10, 2006 three prisoners held by the United States at the Guantanamo Bay detainment camps committed suicide. The United States Department of Defense (DoD) stopped reporting Guantanamo suicide attempts in 2002. The Bush administration announced a policy where captives taken during the invasion of Afghanistan could be detained indefinitely, without benefit of the protections of the Geneva Conventions. The DoD set up detainment camps at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

Some prisoners started attempting to commit suicide almost immediately. In mid-2002 the DoD changed the way they classified suicide attempts, calling them "self-injurious behavior". The DoD acknowledges 41 suicide attempts among 29 detainees.[1] The June 10 2006 suicides were the first inmate deaths at the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp.

On January 25, 2005 the New York Times reported that there were 350 incidents of self-harm in 2003.[2] 120 of those incidents of self-harm were attempts by detainees to hang themselves. 23 detainees participated in a simultaneous mass-suicide attempt.


[edit] Mass suicide bid

Carol J. Williams the Caribbean bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, reported on June 18, 2006 that Captain John Edmundson, USN, the commander of the base hospital, had acknowledged a mass suicide bid took place in late 2003.[3][2] During a tour of the hospital Williams asked if there had ever been a time when all 48 of the hospitals beds had been in use. Edmundson replied, "Only during the mass-hanging incident."

[edit] Three suicides on June 10, 2006

On June 10, 2006 three prisoners held in the Guantanamo Bay detainment camps committed suicide.[4]

Initially the DoD only revealed that two of the men were Saudis and one was a Yemeni. Saudi authorities released the names of the two Saudis on June 11, 2006.[5] The DoD then identified the dead men as Saudis Mani al-Utaybi and Yasser al-Zahrani, and Yemeni Ali Abdullah Ahmed.

According to Pentagon they "killed themselves in an apparent suicide pact".[6] Prison commander Rear Admiral Harry Harris has stated: "This was not an act of desperation, but an act of asymmetric warfare committed against us." [7] Harris also stated that the Guantanamo detainees were: "dangerous, committed to killing Americans."[8]. He claimed that there was a myth among the detainees that if three detainees were known to have died in the camps the DoD would be pressured to send the rest of the detainees home.

President George Bush expressed "serious concern."[1]

Colleen Graffy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy, called the suicides, "a good PR move" -- and, "a tactic to further the jihadi cause".[9]

On June 12, 2006, in a statement that The Scotsman characterized as an attempt " pull back from the earlier comments about public relations and 'asymmetric warfare'", Cully Stimson, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for detainee affairs, said:

"I wouldn't characterise it as a good PR move. What I would say is that we are always concerned when someone takes his own life, because as Americans, we value life, even the lives of violent terrorists who are captured waging war against our country."[10]

Sean McCormack, spokesman for the United States State Department also said that "I would not say that it was a PR stunt".[11] The men were apparently unaware that one of them was due to be released. Joshua Denbeaux, a lawyer who volunteered to represent Guantanamo prisoners through the Center for Constitutional Rights, and one of the principal authors of a methodical academic analysis that examined, in detail, what the DoD said about the prisoners' identities, has said that prison authorities were withholding this information because "US officials had not decided which country he would be sent to."[11]

Colonel Michael Bumgarner, the commander of the camp's guard force, reacted to the suicides by telling his officers:[12] "The trust level is gone. They have shown time and time again that we can't trust them any farther than we can throw them. There is not a trustworthy son of a ... in the entire bunch."

[edit] Reaction

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that news of the deaths raised skepticism over whether the Saudi men really killed themselves.[13] The article reports Saudi speculation that the men were driven to suicide by torture.

The article names several prominent Saudis who accused the camp authorities of murdering the three men, and added:

"Some people in the conservative Islamic kingdom questioned whether Muslim men would kill themselves since suicide is a grave sin in Islam. But defense lawyers and some former detainees said many prisoners at Guantanamo are wasting away in deep despair at their long captivity."

Kateb al Shimri, a Saudi lawyer the Post-Intelligencer reports represents the Saudi prisoners, said:[13]

"The families don't believe it, and of course I don't believe it either. A crime was committed here and the U.S. authorities are responsible,"

Joshua Denbeaux said that the suicides: "...represent the Pentagon's absolute worst nightmare."[14] Denbeaux added: "...many of these prisoners have been trying to kill themselves, for months, if not years."

Senator Arlen Specter, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, commented: "Where we have evidence, they ought to be tried, and if convicted, they ought to be sentenced."[8] Specter added that many of the prisoners' capture was based on: "...the flimsiest sort of hearsay."

Representative Jane Harman, the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee commented: "Bottom line: We've kept people in this prison for years and years and years without a status, without any rights, and it was the wrong way to go."[8]

Ken Roth, the head of Human Rights Watch commented: "Sadly, suicides like these are entirely predictable when people are held outside the law with no end in sight."[1]

[edit] Official counter-reaction

The Associated Press quoted the detainee's hospital's head doctor's challenge to the idea that the dead men had been driven to suicide by despair.[15][16] He asserted that the men had psychological tests administered shortly before their deaths, that confirmed that they were not depressed. The administration of psychological tests to hunger strikers was routine, and all three men were participants in the recent hunger strike.

The Doctor spoke on condition of anonymity. But he has been previously identified as Captain John Edmundson USN.[3]

According to the Associated Press the chief doctor told reporters that: "Officials have also lowered the threshold to determine when a detainee is at risk of being suicidal ... Now, any detainee thought to be a suicide risk is placed in a tear-proof anti-suicide smock _ which can't be fashioned into a makeshift noose _ for 72 hours and given a psychological exam ... There are currently about 20 detainees in green anti-suicide smocks, the doctor said."[15][16]

Admiral Harris was quoted as saying: "I think it is less about the length of their detention ... It's less about that and it's more that they continue to fight their fight, I think the vast majority of detainees are resisting us."[15][16]

[edit] Confiscating detainees legal papers

Guantanamo lawyers have reported that the camp authorities are confiscating detainee's mail and legal papers.[17] The lawyers report that at least one of their clients attributes the confiscation to the premise that they might contain hints that the suicide bids were pre-planned, and possibly were encouraged by detainee's lawyers. According to Clive Stafford Smith: "They think that they are going to find letters from us suggesting suicide. It's ludicrous."

According to the San Jose Mercury:[17]

"Defense attorney Richard Wilson said in an affidavit that a military legal official told him that investigators had seized all personal papers from every detainee as part of the investigation."

On July 9, 2006 The Jurist reported that DoD spokesmen have claimed that the dead men received assistance from others.[18][19][20] Further, the DoD claims that preparations for the hangings were written on the blank paper issued to the detainees lawyers.

The camp authorities has seized almost all the documents from almost all the detainees -- a total of half a ton of papers.[18] The administration wants to suspend all lawyers visits, while a commission reviews those half-ton of papers for any further sign that any of the detainees lawyers helped plan the suicides.

[edit] Comments by released detainees who knew the dead men

Bahraini detainee Abdulla Majid Al Naimi who was released on November 8, 2005 said he knew the three dead men, and commented on their deaths on June 25, 2006. [21] Al Naimi said that Al-Utaybi and Ahmed were captured while studying in Pakistan. He said that they were interrogated for only a brief time after their arrival in Guantanamo, and their interrogators had told them they were not regarded as a threat, and that they could expect to be released.

"The interrogations dealt with them only during the first month of their detention. For more than a year before I left Guantanamo in November 2005, they were left alone. But they were still held in bad conditions in the camp by the guards,"

Al Naimi said that Al Zahrani, was only 16 when he was captured.[21] According to Al Naimi Al Zahrani should have been treated as a minor.

"He was 21 when he died, barely the legal age in most countries, and was merely 16 when he was picked up four and half years ago. His age shows that he is not even supposed to be taken to a police office; he should have been turned over to the underage [juvenile] authorities."

[edit] Post-mortems

All three of the families of the dead men have challenged the American post-mortems.[22] The families all took steps to have second post-mortems after the bodies were returned to them.

Patrice Mangin, who headed the team that volunteered to examine the Al Salami's body, said that it was routine to remove some organs that decay rapidly.[22] Some family members had expressed concerns when the bodies were missing the brain, liver, kidney heart and other organs.

Mangin however said that the US authorities had kept Al-Salami's throat, and that his team couldn't state an opinion as to whether he hung himself until it was returned.[22]

[edit] Post June 10, 2006 suicide attempts

Joshe Natreen, the American lawyer of seven Saudi detainees, reported that a Guantanamo official informed her that another Saudi had made a suicide attempt since June 10, 2006.[23]

[edit] Known suicide attempts

Juma Al Dossary
  • Made 13 suicide attempts.
  • Attempted suicide during a lawyer's visit.[24]
  • Remains in Guantanamo detention.
Mishal Awad Sayaf Alhabiri
  • Suicide attempt left him brain-damaged. He can still obey simple instructions.[25]
  • Repatriated to Saudi custody.
Shah Muhammad
  • Sent to the punishment cells when Guantanamo was full, and all the ordinary cells were occupied.[26]
  • Reports detention in the punishment cells drove him to despair and he made four suicide attempts.
  • Released May 8, 2003.
mass suicide bid Late 2003 - 23 detainees tried to hang themselves simultaneously.[3]
Mani Shaman Turki al-Habardi Al-Utaybi
alternatively Maniy bin Shaman al-Otaibi
or Mani bin Shaman bin Turki al Habradi
  • Committed suicide on June 10, 2006.[5]
  • Reportedly "...had been recommended for transfer to the custody of another country before his suicide.".[27]
  • Reportedly not told he was recommended for transfer.[10]
  • Legal team said their efforts were "thwarted at every turn."[28] They had not been allowed to meet with him, and the DoD would not deliver their mail.
  • Utaybi's family reported that the DoD had retained his brain, heart, liver and kidneys.[29]
Yasser Talal al-Zahrani alternatively Yasser Talal Abdullah Yahya al Zahran
  • Committed suicide on June 10, 2006.[5]
  • Reportedly had been "...accused by the U.S. of being a frontline fighter for the Taliban who facilitated weapons purchases for offensives against U.S. and coalition forces."[27]
  • Present during the prison uprising in Mazari Sharif, Afghanistan
  • Al Zahrani's father, after viewing his son's corpse, claims it showed the sign of a beating.[30]
Ali Abdullah Ahmed
  • Committed suicide on June 10, 2006.[27]
  • Alleged "mid- to high-level al-Qaida operative who had key ties to principal facilitators and senior members of the group."
  • Alleged to have been a "close associate" of Abu Zubaydah.[8]
  • Allegedly "...non-compliant and hostile to the guard force."
  • Had been one of the four determined hunger strikers who had continued to participate in the hunger strike that started on August 8, 2005 until "late May 2006".
Abdullah Al Tayabi
  • Al Tayabi told his Tribunal that the Guantanamo camp authorities had declined his requests to see a Psychologist, even though he had made two suicide attempts.[31][32]
Isa Khan
  • Khan has been released in Pakistan. Khan reports that enduring constant surveillance, when he considers himself an innocent man, feels so intolerable that he has considered suicide.[33]
Hafez Qari Mohamed Saad Iqbal Madni
  • Madni told his Combatant Status Review Tribunal that he had to wear the orange jumpsuit of the non-compliant captive because he made a suicide attempt on the 191st day of his detention.[34]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c Three detainees kill themselves at Guantanamo, Reuters, June 11, 2006
  2. ^ a b 23 Detainees Attempted Suicide in Protest at Base, Military Says, New York Times, January 25, 2005
  3. ^ a b c Kicked out of Gitmo: A Times reporter's struggle to get the truth about America's island prison just got tougher, Los Angeles Times, June 18, 2006
  4. ^ Three Guantanamo detainees die in suicides, Reuters, June 10, 2006
  5. ^ a b c Riydadh names Guantanamo suicide victims, wants bodies, Daily News & Analysis, June 11, 2006
  6. ^ Triple suicide at Guantanamo camp, BBC, June 11, 2006
  7. ^ Three die in Guantanamo suicide pact, The Times, June 11, 2006
  8. ^ a b c d Suicides spur Guantanamo criticism, CNN, June 11, 2006
  9. ^ Guantanamo suicides a 'PR move', BBC, June 11, 2006
  10. ^ a b Guantanamo inmate killed himself 'unaware he was due to be freed', The Scotsman, June 13, 2006
  11. ^ a b "Guantanamo suicides 'not PR move'", BBC, 12 June 2006.
  12. ^ Guards tighten security to prevent more deaths: Human rights groups, defense lawyers call for investigation of 3 men's suicides in military prison. Charlotte Observer, June 13, 2006
  13. ^ a b Saudis allege torture in Guantanamo deaths, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 11, 2006
  14. ^ Three suicides reported at Guantanamo Bay, New Zealand Herald, June 11, 2006
  15. ^ a b c Official: Gitmo Prisoners Waging 'Jihad', Associated Press, June 28, 2006
  16. ^ a b c Guantanamo Bay suicide prisoners 'showed no sign of being depressed', The Independent, June 28, 2006
  17. ^ a b Guantanamo lawyers say letters seized, San Jose Mercury, June 30, 2006
  18. ^ a b DOJ tells court legal notes may have aided Guantanamo suicide plot, The Jurist, July 9, 2006
  19. ^ Guantanamo Probe Finds Evidence of Plot, Associated Press, July 9, 2006
  20. ^ U.S. Says Inmate Legal Notes May Have Aided Suicide Plot, New York Times, July 9, 2006
  21. ^ a b Ex-detainee disputes triple suicide report, Gulf Daily News, June 25, 2006
  22. ^ a b c Gitmo detainee buried after body cross-examined, Yemen Times, June 25, 2005
  23. ^ 3rd Saudi tries to end life at Guantanamo, United Press International, July 5, 2006
  24. ^ Guantanamo Desperation Seen in Suicide Attempts: One Incident Was During Lawyer's Visit, Washington Post, October 31, 2005
  25. ^ Guantanamo Bay documents reveal Taliban's allure, Taipei Times, March 6, 2006
  26. ^ Inmates Released from Guantanamo Tell Tales of Despair, New York Times, June 17, 2003
  27. ^ a b c DOD Identifies 3 Guantanamo Suicides, Washington Post, June 11, 2006
  28. ^ Lawyers say defense of Guantanamo suicide victim was thwarted, Mainichi Daily News, June 13, 2006
  29. ^ Vital organs missing from repatriated body: family, Gulf News, June 21, 2006
  30. ^ Yasser’s Body Bears Marks of Beating, Arab News, June 19, 2006
  31. ^ Summarized transcripts (.pdf), from Abdullah Al Tayabi's Combatant Status Review Tribunal - pages 81-83
  32. ^ Summarized transcripts (.pdf), from Abdullah Al Tayabi's Combatant Status Review Tribunal - pages 1-16
  33. ^ Former Guantanamo Bay detainees find that life doesn't get any easier. Taipei Times (January 5, 2006). Retrieved on January 7, 2007.
  34. ^ Summarized transcripts (.pdf) from Hafez Qari Mohamed Saad Iqbal Madni's Combatant Status Review Tribunal - page 55