Group of Fifty

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Group of Fifty
Type Nonprofit
Founded 1993
Headquarters Washington D.C.
Key people Moisés Naím
Pedro Moreira Salles (member)

The Group of Fifty (Grupo de los Cincuenta, or G-50) is a nonprofit, apolitical initiative based in Washington D.C. that is primarily concerned with increasing economic and political development in Latin America.

[edit] Overview and Activities

G-50 is composed of a select group of fifty Chief Executive Officers who lead some of the most successful and influential private business enterprises in the Americas across a wide variety of industrial sectors. The idea for the organization was first conceptualized by Moisés Naím in 1993 and is currently sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a think tank based in Washington D.C. dedicated to advancing cooperation between nations and promoting active international engagement by the United States. G-50 members meet regularly to exchange their unique experiences and to develop initiatives in response to the imperatives caused by new economic and political developments in the Western Hemisphere and the rest of the world. The G-50 searches for methods to help foster openness between business leaders and promotes economic and social progress throughout the region. Besides hosting annual events, the G-50 offers a permanent base of support to its members throughout the year.

[edit] Board of Directors

  • Moisés Naím: Chairman, Group of Fifty; Editor, Foreign Policy
  • Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg: Vice-Chairman, G-50; President and CEO, Strategic Investment Group
  • Peter Hakim: President, Inter-American Dialogue
  • Jessica T. Mathews: President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • Marina Spindler: Executive Director
  • Diana Rodríguez: Project Assistant and Events Coordinator

[edit] External Links