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In Norse mythology, Grimhild was the witch who cast a spell on Sigurd making him leave his wife, Brünnehilde, for Gudrun. Brünnehilde killed herself when she learned that Sigurd had betrayed her with another woman (Gudrun), not knowing he had been bewitched into doing so by Grimhild.

The name was also given to an evil woman who married king Áli of Alfheim (modern Bohuslän) in Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra. She poisoned the king and ruled the kingdom in such an evil manner that it was laid waste.

Norse mythology
List of Norse gods | Æsir | Vanir | Giants | Elves | Dwarves | Troll | Valkyries | Einherjar | Norns | Odin | Thor | Freyr | Freyja | Loki | Balder | Týr | Yggdrasil | Ginnungagap | Ragnarök
Sources: Poetic Edda | Prose Edda | The Sagas | Volsung Cycle | Tyrfing Cycle | Rune stones | Old Norse language | Orthography | Later influence
Society: Viking Age | Skald | Kenning | Blót | Seid | Numbers
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