Greyhawk Holidays

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A number of holidays are featured in the Greyhawk calendar. The Greyhawk calendar is a fictional calendar used in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game. It is the most common system for tracking the days and months of the Common Year in the Flanaess.


[edit] Greyhawk Festivals: Winter

[edit] Festival Week: Needfest

  • 4th = Winter Solstice. Luna new, Celene full

(Nf1) New Year's Day.

(Nf4) Breadgiving Day. Celebrated mainly in Greyhawk City by the faiths of Pelor, Rao, and [[Saint Cuthbert (Greyhawk)|Saint Cuthbert. (Nf4) Midwinter Night. This night is also known as Handmaiden's Glory, as only the aquamarine orb of Celene is visible in the sky. The faithful of Celestian refer to this night as Dim Night.

(Nf7) The Feast of Fools. (Nf7) Frostbite Run.

[edit] Fireseek

  • 4th = first quarter Luna, waxing
  • 11th = full Luna
  • 18th = last quarter Luna, waning
  • 19th = Celene waning
  • 25th = new Luna

[edit] Readying

  • 4th = first quarter Luna, waxing
  • 11th = full Luna, new Celene
  • 18th = last quarter Luna, waning
  • 25th = new Luna

(1st) Spring begins.

(11th) Great Moon's Glory.

[edit] Coldeven

  • 4th = Luna waxing, Celene waxing
  • 11th = full Luna
  • 18th = last quarter Luna, waning
  • 25th = new Luna

(11th) Festival of the Blood Moon. Sacred to worshippers of Nerull and most evil cults, this grim festival technically begins on the 10th and ends on the evening of the 12th. It commemorates the blood-red moon which appeared all over the Flanaess on this day in 294 CY. (Some sages postulated common vulcanism as the source, but proponents of this theory dwindled quickly after several of these skeptics disappeared under mysterious circumstances...) Elaborate ceremonies are held in fell and shadowy places, many of which are grisly and unpleasant in the extreme.

This festival is now honoured in Iuz' lands as well, in mocking celebration of the surprise attacks which decimated the Heirarchs of Molag during the Greyhawk Wars in 583 CY.

[edit] Greyhawk Festivals: Low Summer

[edit] Festival Week: Growfest

  • 4th = Vernal equinox. Celene Full, Luna waxing

(Gr4) Saint Cuthbert's Day. (Gr4)Feast of Edoira.

(Gr7) In the City of Greyhawk, the famous Desportium of Magick display is held that night in and around the Grand Citadel.

[edit] Planting

  • 4th = full Luna
  • 11th = last quarter Luna, waning
  • 18th = new Luna
  • 19th = Celene waning
  • 25th = first quarter Luna, waxing

[edit] Flocktime

  • 4th = full Luna
  • 11th = last quarter Luna, Celene new
  • 18th = new Luna
  • 25th = first quarter Luna, waxing

[edit] Wealsun

  • 4th = full Luna, Celene waxing
  • 11th = last quarter Luna, waning
  • 18th = new Luna
  • 25th = first quarter Luna, waxing

[edit] Greyhawk Festivals: High Summer

[edit] Festival Week: Richfest

  • 4th = Summer solstice. Luna full, Celene full

(Rf4) Midsummer Day is consider the Holy Day of Pelor, god of sun, light, and healing. In most good or neutral places this is an official rest day, and the holiday is even respected in some evil lands like the Great Kingdom. Feasting and enjoying the sun are important activities, and it is considered a sign of respect to wear yellow somewhere on one's person. In non-evil lands, at least, those who don't are regarded with some suspicion. The weather tends to be uncannily reliable (rain is generally a sure sign of Pelor's extreme disfavour with an area), and public services are held outdoors by Pelor's priests. A public processional is followed by a free meal, and healing and comfort is provided to the needy while priests and priestesses vigorously entreat the more fortunate for alms.

(Rf4) Midsummer Night. Both Luna and Celene are full on this 4th day of Richfest, which means lycanthropes aplently.

[edit] Reaping

  • 4th = last quarter Luna, waning
  • 11th = new Luna
  • 19th = Celene waning
  • 18th = first quarter Luna, waxing
  • 25th = full Luna

[edit] Goodmonth

  • 4th = last quarter Luna, waning
  • 11th = new Luna, new Celene
  • 18th = first quarter Luna, waxing
  • 25th = full Luna

(11th) Dark Night.

[edit] Harvester

  • 4th = Luna waning, Celene waxing
  • 11th = new Luna
  • 18th = first quarter Luna, waxing
  • 25th = full Luna

[edit] Greyhawk Festivals: Autumn

[edit] Festival Week: Brewfest

  • 4th = Autumnal equinox. Celene full, Luna waning.

[edit] Patchwall

  • 4th = new Luna
  • 11th = first quarter Luna, waxing
  • 18th = full Luna
  • 19th = Celene waning
  • 25th = last quarter Luna, waning

[edit] Ready'reat

  • 4th = new Luna
  • 11th = Luna waxing, Celene new
  • 18th = full Luna
  • 25th = last quarter Luna, waning

[edit] Sunsebb

  • 4th = new Luna, Celene waxing
  • 11th = first quarter Luna, waxing
  • 18th = full Luna
  • 25th = last quarter Luna, waning

[edit] References