
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gresia may refer to several villages in Romania:

    Greece is a country in southeastern Europe that forms most of the Balkan Peninsula. Greece’s capital and largest city is Athens it is located in southeastern Greece. Greece is also composed of many islands including the Ionian Islands, the Spordes, and Cyclades. The name Greece comes from the Latin word Graeci, applied to the ancient people of ancient Greece. Greece won its independence in 1830 against Turkey. Ancient Greeks believed in many gods. The Gods where pictured in human form but more big, more beautiful, and more powerful than any mortal. The gods where said to live in Mount Olympus (a mountain in northern Greece). Zeus was the god of the sky he was the king of all the gods and leader of the family of gods, Hera was his wife, and many other younger gods where their children. Athena goddess of wisdom and war, Ares god of war and battle, Hermes messenger of the gods, Apollo god of healing and the arts, Artemis goddess of the hunt, and Hephaestus god of fire. Zeus had two brothers they where Pluto he ruled the Underworld and Poseidon he ruled the sea.