Grendel (Creatures)

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A Creatures 2 Grendel
A Creatures 2 Grendel

A Grendel is a species in the computer game Creatures. They are the green-skinned, red-eyed antagonists of the Norns, stealing food and injuring individual Norns. They also carry diseases harmful to Norns.

In the unmodified games, Grendels do not reproduce, being born infertile (for instance, in the first game, they were born from a "mother", high in the trees. Generally, only one Grendel is alive in the world of Albia at a time. In Creatures 3, two Grendels were alive aboard the Shee Ark at most times (both male), but it was possible to get them to breed and have offspring if both were placed in the Gene Splicer machine and used to create a female Grendel.

The Grendels were another genetically-engineered creation of the Shee, albeit an accidental one. They were certainly not what the Shee were trying to get as a result from their experiments, and were considered to be harmful, useless monsters. However, some of the evil Shee (known as the Banshee) believed the Grendels were genetically superior to the Norns, and kept some for improvement.

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