
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greenrush – (the, def.1-2007): An infectiously optimistic sense that new environmental and sustainable industries & technologies will generate vast financial rewards in a world that requires innovative and immediate solutions to its major environmental problems.

Archival Abstract: In 2006 with the release of Al Gore's Opus film – 'An Inconvenient Truth', the previous 35 years of environmental groundswell erupted.

By 2007, industries, investors, good guys, bad guys and politicians had mostly woken to the fact that GREEN equated exponentially into GREENBACKS. This realization, signalled in part by Australia's Prime Minister, John Howard, backing the world's largest SOLAR FARM for $200,000,000, tipped the scales on business forever.

The Greenrush, akin to Goldrush >> n.

  1. A rush of migrants to an area where gold has been discovered.
  2. Headlong pursuit of wealth and success: a gold rush on Wall Street.

American Heritage Dictionary

3. a large-scale and hasty movement of people to a region where gold has been discovered, as to California in 1849. Unabridged (v 1.1)

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