Green Wing (series 2)

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Green Wing series 2 DVD. Cast from left to right, Heap (Alan), Mangan (Guy), Gomez (Sue), Theobald (Martin), Greig (Caroline), Rhind-Tutt (Mac), Chris (Boyce) and Haywood (Joanna).
Green Wing series 2 DVD. Cast from left to right, Heap (Alan), Mangan (Guy), Gomez (Sue), Theobald (Martin), Greig (Caroline), Rhind-Tutt (Mac), Chris (Boyce) and Haywood (Joanna).

The second series of Green Wing consists of eight episodes and was first shown on Channel 4 between 31 March and 19 May 2006. There will be a ninth episode to be aired as a special on 4 January 2007. The DVD of the second series was released on 2 October, with the Special coming out on 8 January 2007. It was released as part of the Series 1 & 2 DVD boxset on October 2. This article also contains The Secret Policeman's Ball sketch.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Main Cast

Dr. Caroline Todd - Tamsin Greig
Dr. Guy Secretan - Stephen Mangan
Dr. "Mac" Macartney - Julian Rhind-Tutt
Dr. Alan Statham - Mark Heap
Joanna Clore - Pippa Haywood
Dr. Martin Dear - Karl Theobald
Sue White - Michelle Gomez
Boyce - Oliver Chris
Dr. Angela Hunter - Sarah Alexander (Episodes 1-3)
Harriet Schulenburg - Olivia Colman
Karen Ball - Lucinda Raikes
Naughty Rachel - Katie Lyons
Kim Alabaster - Sally Bretton

[edit] Episode 1

A sci-fi scene, half-naked male wrestling and a tribute to several music acts are just some of things going on inside Mac's mind since his eight-week long coma after the accident with the ambulance. He is constantly visited: Caroline and Sue competing for a seat at his bedside, with the latter engaging in a made-up marriage to him. Guy has been temporarily suspended from work, but continues to irritate just about everyone, including his (newly discovered) mother Joanna, half-brother Martin, and the unconscious Mac while roaming around the hospital. Martin plays Mac some music on the mouth organ, whereas Alan draws on his face and 'plays' ping-pong with him. Mac eventually wakes up, but seems to have amnesia, describing his relationship with Emmy but not the one with Caroline. In other news, Karen and Martin 'kiss', and the affair between Alan and Joanna has hit the rocks, so he tries to trick her into opening a 'present', which turns out to be a box full of flies.

Also Appearing
Just a Man - Nick Frost
Anaesthetist – Paul Bazley
Nurses – Jane Cameron, Rebecca Clow, Doreen Ingleton, Alison Pargeter and Chetna Pandya

[edit] Episode 2

Caroline continues to cope with Mac's loss of memory (and their relationship), Guy has to cope without his driving licence and challenges Mac to a game of 'The Spoon of Destiny', but on the plus side gets his job back, and Alan has to cope without any sex whatsoever, while trying to convince Joanna that he's still having it on, leading to a unfortunate remark about Caroline over the phone, in the sense that Caroline was in Joanna's office when he said it. Meanwhile, Martin moans to Boyce about his excessively sex-filled relationship with Karen, and manages to swallow her mobile phone, and Mac discovers Sue told the hospital in Sheffield that he was dead, and that his new job opportunity has gone.

Also Appearing
Jake Leaf - Darren Boyd
Poetry ManAlistair Barrie
Oliver - Ken Charles
Charles Robertson (CEO) - Robert Harley
ProstituteOriane Messina
Dr. Jeff Jennings (The Neurosurgeon) – Pip Torrens
Louise the Poetry Woman – Robin Weaver

[edit] Episode 3

A documentary crew have come to film East Hampton, and some react better than others. Caroline becomes jealous of Angela after she learns she is to star in the show, and Sue becomes jealous of Joanna after she takes charge of the program. Things are not going well for Guy, now having to travel by jet-ski (with a Swiss flag and armbands of course) killing a swan on his way to work, and giving the tape of him and Joanna having sex to a priest, who was really Martin in disguise trying to avoid Karen. However, when Martin tries to tell Sue of his problem, Sue steals the tape and turns the tables. She orders that Joanna must put her in charge of the documentary and make her fly, Guy must break up the relationship between Caroline and Mac and tell her the secret of fire, and Angela must tell Mac of Caroline's "incurable disease" if she wants to leave the hospital to continue working in television. However, her weakness for Mac proves to be her downfall, and everything is back-to-normal, except the absence of Angela. Elsewhere, Martin tries to find a way to dump Karen, Alan and Boyce refuse to "take it back", and Mac and Caroline share a moment.

Also Appearing
Jake Leaf - Darren Boyd
Chinese Girls – Rosie Alverez and Li-Leng Au
Oliver - Ken Charles
DirectorPeter McDonald
Presenter – Simon London

[edit] Episode 4

It is all change down at East Hampton. With Angela gone, a new paediatrics registrar is needed and Caroline needs to find a new lodger, but it does not look good when the new registrar turns out to be Mac's former girlfriend Holly. Mac has more than enough on his plate already, with Alan trying to get his unused parking space for his new car. Guy is looking for new accommodation and is now forced into doing community service, not only painting walls, but also teaching school children how to play Guyball. Joanna is increasingly worried about having to wear glasses to the extent of getting liquid paper in her eyes. Harriet tells Lyndon that Robbie has being excluded from school for a week for urinating over the Virgin Mary and that Ian is thinking of leaving her. In an attempt to earn some money, Martin becomes a nude model for the hospital painting class, but things turn worse when Sue is one of the students. Guy manages to become Caroline's lodger and Alan eats a gall bladder.

Also Appearing
Holly Hawkes - Sally Phillips
Car Park Attendant - Chizzy Akudolu
Landry Op – Kim Benson
Oliver - Ken Charles
Anaesthetist – Roderic Culver
Lyndon Jones - Paterson Joseph
Art Teacher – Justin McCarron
Skinhead – Danny Nussbaum

[edit] Episode 5

Caroline is not happy with Guy as her lodger, and the fact he is wearing her dressing gown. However, that is the least of her worries. Just moments after Mac gives her a big kiss, he discovers that Holly never had an abortion, and that their four-year old son Mackenzie is very much alive and has his hair. Alan has decided to enter politics, but things are not going too well. However, it looks like he might get some help - from Boyce of all people. Joanna is still trying to get Lyndon to fall in love with her, but it looks like Harriet is his one. Perhaps a very large workload might slow her down, though a Lyndon prepares a surprise picnic for the two of them. Martin meets a prostitute and by accident becomes her pimp, which leads Karen to dump him. Sue turns her new art skills to making a bust of Mac (and some clay penises), and it looks like thumbs up for Guy after a poker game when he wins a kiss from Caroline. But has he won the rest of her as well?

Also Appearing
Jake Leaf - Darren Boyd
Holly Hawkes - Sally Phillips
Lyndon Jones - Paterson Joseph
Mackenzie Hawkes - Dylan Woodcock
Pimp - Geoff Francis
Suzie - Jennifer Hennessey
Voice Coach - Rosie Cavaliero
Politician - Tom Goodman-Hill

[edit] Episode 6

Caroline becomes depressed with Mac's commitments to his (newly discovered) son. Guy becomes envious when she starts dating the hospital complimentary therapist Jake, who later ends up with a Swiss Army Knife in his head courtesy of Guy. Caroline manages to kill Jake's 12-year-old pet tamagotchi by dropping it into a glass of wine during their date. Later, she calls Mac to tell him she thinks they made a mistake in ending their relationship - however Mac is putting Mackenzie to bed, and Holly deletes the answerphone message when she hears what Caroline has to say. Alan is unusually happy due to getting 100% of the vote in a caption competition on the Consultant Radiologist International web site. Boyce finds out that only 7 people voted. Joanna becomes sick of Alan going on and on about getting 100% of the vote, and recruits her cousin to scare him. This doesn't go to plan as Alan batters him to death with a stuffed heron. Martin finds out his real father's name is Donald Twat, but fails to meet up with him due to Joanna's meddling. Kim brings her Turkish pen-pal, Murat, to work with her. But he seems to be forming a better relationship with Karen who can speak Turkish, even though she never knew she could. Harriet decides to dump Lyndon after feeling guilty about their picnic.

Also Appearing
Jake Leaf - Darren Boyd
Holly Hawkes - Sally Phillips
Lyndon Jones - Paterson Joseph
Detective - Simon Ludders
Joanna's Cousin - Big Mick
Murat - Bugra Tezer
Donald Twat - Ron Webster
Mackenzie Hawkes - Dylan Woodcock
This episode also gave, "Big thanks to Mike Batt."

[edit] Episode 7

Alan and Joanna are becoming increasingly worried about the stuffed heron incident. Alan is even having panic attacks, but seems to find that Joanna's idea of a "Coffee enema" might solve the problem. Martin manages to win £10,000 on a scratch card, but only gets £3,000 after a deal with the newsagent. Sue discovers that Mackenzie is not Mac's son, and that Holly just dyed his hair. This seems to leave the door open for Caroline again, who dumps Jake. Guy in the meantime is becoming even more besotted with Caroline, even getting a tattoo of what he thinks is her favourite thing. However, Sue throws her own "Spanner in the works" by telling everyone that she is pregnant with Mac's child, and this time it is no joke. Boyce also gets promoted to house officer, and gets a hug from Alan whilst he (Boyce) is dressed as a nurse.

Also Appearing
Jake Leaf - Darren Boyd
Holly Hawkes - Sally Phillips
Oliver - Ken Charles
Teenager's Mum - Sue Elliott Nicholls
Nurse, Panic Attack Sarah Hadland
Lyndon Jones - Paterson Joseph
Newsagent - Preeya Kalidas
Indian Waiter - Simon Nagra
Nurse, Phone Sex - Fay Rusling
Shoe Shop Assistant - Jonah Russel
Teenager - Matthew Steer

[edit] Episode 8

Joanna and Alan are becoming increasingly paranoid, but when Alan hears that they are treating the dwarf's death as suicide, they start to think they can get away with anything; But when the police start sniffing around, they decide to escape with Boyce's help. Guy, Mac and Martin decide it is time to make their marriage proposals to Caroline. She rejects Martin, says maybe to Guy, and says yes, then no to Mac. Ian learns of Harriet's fling with Lyndon and kicks her out of the house, and Rachel unknowingly knocks Karen out of a window. Mac receives news from Jeff the neurosurgeon that someone close to them is dying, the inference is that it is Mac himself but this is not said (However, he comments with "I forgot I had a first name, with people just calling me 'Mac'.", as he points at the medical file. Also he is seen at the end of the episode riding away from the camera on his motorcycle, and then fading away leaving an empty road). Martin experiences the worst case of déjà vu ever, when he is again teetering over the edge of the same cliff, only this time in a stolen camper van with Alan and Joanna, although the main twist is Caroline meeting Guy (she expected Mac) at the station where she accepts his earlier proposal.

Also Appearing
Charles Robertson (CEO) - Robert Harley
Camper Van Couple - Richard Katz and Christine Lesbirel
Patient - Asam Tandy
Dr. Jeff Jennings (The Neurosurgeon) – Pip Torrens

[edit] The Secret Policeman's Ball Sketch

A sketch was performed for Amnesty International's Secret Policeman's Ball, with perfromances from Tamsin Greig, Stephen Mangan, Julian Rhind-Tutt and Michelle Gomez. Mangan and Rhind-Tutt appeared in two sketches.

When the announcer at the Ball asks if there is there a doctor in the house, Mac puts his hand up to Caroline's embarrassment. Things get more embarrassing when Guy also volunteers, and asks why Caroline is sitting next to Mac when she is his fiancé. Things become even more bizarre when Sue appears in a tutu and a pair of very long arms, trying to protect Mac from stalkers.

A spoof behind the scenes clip with Greig and Mangan is available on youtube.

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Green Wing
Series 1 | Series 2 | Special
Main Characters: Dr. Caroline Todd | Dr. Guillaume "Guy" Secretan | Dr. "Mac" Macartney |
Dr. Alan Statham | Sue White | Joanna Clore | Dr. Martin Dear | Boyce | Dr. Angela Hunter
Minor Characters: Harriet Schulenburg | Karen Ball | Naughty Rachel | Kim Alabaster
Recurring guest characters | Cultural references | Guyball | East Hampton Hospital Trust |
Whiteleaf Public School