Green Wing (series 1)

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Green Wing Series 1 DVD. Cast (from left to right) Heap (Alan), Theobald (Martin), Gomez (Sue), Alexander (Angela), Greig (Caroline), Rhind-Tutt (Mac), Mangan (Guy), and Haywood (Joanna).
Green Wing Series 1 DVD. Cast (from left to right) Heap (Alan), Theobald (Martin), Gomez (Sue), Alexander (Angela), Greig (Caroline), Rhind-Tutt (Mac), Mangan (Guy), and Haywood (Joanna).

The first series of Green Wing consisted of nine episodes and was broadcast between 3 September and 29 October 2004 on Channel 4. The Comic Relief sketches were shown on 11 March 2005. It was nominated for, and received a number of awards. A DVD of the series was released on 3 April 2006, but did not include the Comic Relief sketches. It will also be released on the Series 1 & 2 DVD on October 2.[1]

Scripts of the first series will be released as Green Wing: The Complete First Series Scripts in paperback on 22 October 2006.[2]

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Main Cast

Green Wing - The Complete First Series Scripts.
Green Wing - The Complete First Series Scripts.
Dr. Caroline Todd - Tamsin Greig
Dr. Guy Secretan - Stephen Mangan
Dr. "Mac" Macartney - Julian Rhind-Tutt
Dr. Alan Statham - Mark Heap
Joanna Clore - Pippa Haywood
Dr. Martin Dear - Karl Theobald
Sue White - Michelle Gomez
Boyce - Oliver Chris
Dr. Angela Hunter - Sarah Alexander
Harriet Schulenburg - Olivia Colman
Karen Ball - Lucinda Raikes
Naughty Rachel - Katie Lyons
Kim Alabaster - Sally Bretton

[edit] Episode 1 - Caroline's First Day

The staff at East Hampton Hospital Trust are all anxiously waiting for their new surgical registrar. However, when Caroline arrives, having spent the night in a borrowed car, no home to go to and with no deodorant, they are rather disappointed. Things go from bad to worse when her mother calls her during the middle of an operation, but things seem to look up when anaesthetist Guy offers her his spare room. But things become even worse, the spare room is non-existent, and worst of all she's "Done the biggest monster that won't go down". Elsewhere, Alan complains to Sue White about his name-badge being vandalised, and Mac shows Guy the best way to get bigger food portions.

Also appearing
Liam - Oliver Milburn
Oliver - Ken Charles
Car Salesman - John Oliver
Food Server – Jane Wittenshaw
NurseFay Rusling
Child Patient – Luke Papworth

[edit] Episode 2 - Rumours

After spending a night at Guy's flat, where Guy slept on the sofa, Caroline finds herself in a mess, after attracting too much attention to herself by setting off Guy's car alarm. Guy also starts to spread rumours of a long night of passion with her. Hearing in on a conversation between Boyce and Martin, where the latter is making a note to the cleaners to not move his yogurt, she discovers that Guy's middle-name is Valery and intends to let loose this information if he does not stop spreading the rumours. However, a slip-up by Guy himself about a fling with Sue White overshadows this. Also, Angela tells Mac his former girlfriend is getting married and Harriet forgets both her skirt and her children.

[edit] Episode 3 - Lodgers

Caroline is looking for a lodger to move in with her, but so far she has only got loonies. When she advertises in the hospital, Boyce tells her that Angela is looking for a place to stay. Caroline however, probably prefers the loonies. Despite the fact she gets rid of the advert, Boyce tells Angela anyway, and an appointment is made. Guy on the other hand is also having problems. His days at Whiteleaf Public School are still hurting him emotionally. Also, he is worried that IT manager Lyndon Jones is sniffing around his patch of the hospital, and Alan is worried that Joanna is falling for him, so he tries to be more spontaneous. Mac also receives the news that his former girlfriend, or as Martin calls her "Holly the baby killer", is not only getting married, but is pregnant.

Also appearing
Lyndon Jones - Paterson Joseph
Liam - Oliver Milburn
Lady Emily "Emmy" Lewis Westbrook - Daisy Haggard
Dead Wife Man - Roger Frost
Student - Robin Savage
Oliver - Ken Charles
Catering Manager – Di Botcher
Shop Assistant – Gemma Catlin
NurseFay Rusling
Lodgers - Gary Howe and Oriane Messina

[edit] Episode 4 - Joanna’s Birthday

Joanna is not looking forward to her 48th birthday. Alan has brought her a gift (a locket containing his sperm), but Kim tells her it is from Lyndon. Also, it appears to the birthday of Martin's mother, but his mother does not seem to want to talk to him over the phone. Caroline and her new lodger Angela find a database kept by Guy containing the list of all the "Hospital females" and how they rate in different areas, with Angela getting eight for "Arse" Caroline getting nine for "Easiness", and physiotherapist Emmy is top of the list. However, things do not go to plan when she confronts the men. Luckily, Martin does give his birthday greetings to his mother, Joanna.

Also appearing
Lyndon Jones - Paterson Joseph
Lady Emily "Emmy" Lewis Westbrook - Daisy Haggard
Liam - Oliver Milburn
Oliver - Ken Charles
NurseOriane Messina

[edit] Episode 5 - Housewarming Party

Caroline is worried about no-one coming to her housewarming party, and is equally worried that Angela has already got something new to wear. Joanna has dyed her hair blonde in order to get Lyndon's attention, but Alan plans to win her back by following Boyce's advice on being mysterious. The housewarming party is a success with several people coming, such as Guy, Mac, Martin in an odd shirt, an uninvited Sue, and three of the admin workers, Karen, Kim and Rachel, despite the fact it was Harriet who helped get rid of a pen top that was stuck in her nose. During the night, Karen expresses her love for Martin, and he himself ends up being kissed by Caroline, as did Guy, Mac and Sue. Also, 'in disguise', Alan "kidnaps" Joanna and takes her to a secret location (a park) where they have sex.

Also appearing
Lyndon Jones - Paterson Joseph
Liam - Oliver Milburn
Oliver - Ken Charles
6th Formers - Rosie Mahony, Ricci McLeod and Kirsty Bruce
Note: This episode is seen as the best episode made, according to a poll by the British Sitcom Guide, and the episode also being shown during the Wingin' It convention.

[edit] Episode 6 - Tests

After a night partying at Caroline's house, Martin has now got to try and pass his exams (again). Guy and Mac try and help him using mnemonics to remember the bones of the head, before Mac himself goes for an interview for promotion. Joanna is worried that after having sex with Alan that she might be pregnant, and Harriet thinks she might be expecting her fifth. Caroline is trying to piece together what happened during the party, whilst at the same time is fighting accusations from Angela that she is wearing her underpants. There are mixed results for the women, literally, when Joanna receives Harriet's paper saying she is pregnant, and Harriet gets the all clear. But when the truth is discovered, and Alan discovers he is not going to be a father, Joanna dumps him. This leads him to steal a milk float.

Also appearing
Lab Technicianian - Stephen Merchant
JudgeMichael Simkins
Student – Robin Savage

[edit] Episode 7 - Tangled Webs

Caroline decides that it is either Guy or Mac that she truly loves, but the question is which one? Guy has his own things to worry about, preparing for his World Guyball Championship semi-final. However, Guy and Caroline manage to get the afternoon off, much to Mac's anger. Alan is now lonely without Joanna, but finds comfort in both Jesus and in Cordiela Denby the hospital chaplain. Joanna on the other hand decides to go naked to Lyndon's office. Martin gets his exam results and Guy lies to him about passing them. Also, Guy's taste in music is discovered, and he, Mac and Caroline carry out a Geordie operation.

Also appearing
Lyndon Jones - Paterson Joseph
Cordiela Denby - Saskia Wickham
Julian "Scissors" Bentley - Kevin Eldon
Student – Robin Savage
Deaf Signer – Ramon Woolfe
Theatre Nurse – Manjinder Virk
JoshNathaniel Gleed
Cleaner – Jay Byrd

[edit] Episode 8 - Slave Auction

After spending a day with Guy, Caroline knows that Mac is the man for her. However, Mac seems to have already found a girlfriend, Emmy. This does not stop Sue from being horrified, to the extent of trying to kill her. Alan plans to raise money for charity by hosting a slave auction, and puts himself up for sale when Lyndon says he will. Also taking part are Caroline and Guy. Mac also puts his name down, but tries to get out of it when he learns Sue is going to bid for him. The night has mixed results, Martin buys Caroline for £3,000, but almost ruins their night by trying to be a bastard. Alan is bought by Boyce for 30p, and ends up sleeping in his bed, Joanna wins Lyndon, but discovers that he finds her disturbing, and Sue, not being able to bid for Mac, settles for Guy in a wig. Also, Harriet sees how Robbie is coping at school, and Mac tells the rest of the staff that he is leaving.

Also appearing
Lyndon Jones - Paterson Joseph
Lady Emily "Emmy" Lewis Westbrook - Daisy Haggard
Charles Robertson (Chief Executive) - Robert Harley
Teacher - Rosie Cavaliero
Terry - Matthew Ashforde
Waiter – Benoit Lambert
Mum – Rachel Freck
Homeless Person – Billy Snedon

[edit] Episode 9 - Emergency

As Mac leaves for Sheffield with Emmy, both Caroline and Sue are trying their hardest to make sure that he stays at East Hampton. Martin, sick and tired of Guy bulling him, gets his own back by opening a letter. The letter in question says who Guy's real parents are. Mac decides to make one last bet with Guy. Seeing as all of his affairs have been with younger women, he bets him that he cannot sleep with Joanna. Joanna herself has had problems. Dumped by Lyndon, she now has to win the Christian Alan back, which she does by eating seedlings. Caroline confronts Emmy with an accusation that she is a fraud, but it turns out to be a different person with the same name. Despite this, Mac still admires her bravery, and as a result is dumped by Emmy and embraces Caroline. Martin, after pulling Karen, has to try and find Guy before he does something we will regret. Guy is video-taping him and Joanna having sex as evidence that he has won the bet, so it comes too late when Martin tells him that his mother is the woman he has just made love to. Going mad, he stabs Martin's legs with botox, and steals an ambulance, taking Martin and Mac with him to Wales. Guy is in such a state that he nearly drives it off a cliff. The series ends with the three men near death, whilst discussing which off The Three Musketeers they are most like.

Also appearing
Cordiela Denby - Saskia Wickham
Lady Emily "Emmy" Lewis Westbrook - Daisy Haggard
Neighbours – Vicki Perrerdine and Michael Gould
Ward Sister – Glynis Brooks
Prof. Mancoo - Ash Verraz
Nurse – Diveen Henry

[edit] The Comic Relief Sketch (2005)

Mac fends off Sue's advances by saying he will only allow her to touch his ass if she can raise £10,000 for Comic Relief. Sue then proceeds to try and ask Martin, Joanna, Guy and Alan for the money, which she eventually manages to raise, though Mac runs off before she can get hold of him.

Note: Caroline, Boyce, Harriet, Karen, Kim and Rachel do not appear.
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Green Wing
Series 1 | Series 2 | Special
Main Characters: Dr. Caroline Todd | Dr. Guillaume "Guy" Secretan | Dr. "Mac" Macartney |
Dr. Alan Statham | Sue White | Joanna Clore | Dr. Martin Dear | Boyce | Dr. Angela Hunter
Minor Characters: Harriet Schulenburg | Karen Ball | Naughty Rachel | Kim Alabaster
Recurring guest characters | Cultural references | Guyball | East Hampton Hospital Trust |
Whiteleaf Public School