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Empire Greatswords
Empire Greatswords

The greatswords of The Empire in Warhammer are among the finest warriors in the Empire. Each one is a man plucked from the ranks dues to some extraordiary feat of arms and bravery. Many men die in the attempt to become greatswords and those few who suceeded are amongst the finest soldiers in the Empire. They are armed with Zweihanders, and the strength required to weild these is an indication of the prowess of such men. They also wear very finely crafted plate armour. The greatswords by their nature and stubborn and resolute men refusing to give ground where lesser men would flee and the history of the Empire is full of tales of a final stand by the Greatswords of the Empire.

[edit] Model

The models for Empire Greatswords are based heavily on the Landsknecht, Renaissance-era mercenary footsoldiers and pikemen, particularly the Doppelsöldners, who often wielded zweihanders.

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