Greater Dog-like Bat

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Greater Dog-like Bat
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Chiroptera
Family: Emballonuridae
Genus: Peropteryx
Species: P. kappleri
Binomial name
Peropteryx kappleri
Peters, 1867

The Greater Dog-like Bat, Peropteryx kappleri, is a bat species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela.

[edit] References

The Greater Dog-like Bat is so named due to its remarkably dog-like characteristics. Firstly, it isn't a bat. It's my pet, Rufus. (Interestingly, however, he is quite bat-like.)

Secondly, bats are well known to take offense easily at derogatory terms such as "Poorly-winged", "Your fancy SONAR-type system is up the creek without a paddle" and "Greater Dog-like". In this regard, the Greater Dog-like bat is indeed aptly named - 'cause bitches tend to get there doggy-knickers in something of a twist. Ironically, as earlier implied, the Greater Dog-like Bat is offended by its own name. (It is interesting to note that the Poorly-winged Greater Dog-like Bat is not Dog-like in this regard, which is of great relief to many a zoologist, God bless 'em.)

Thirdly, finally, and most importantly, congratulations for reading this far. Kudos to you, for your time is truely worthless.