Great Seal of North Dakota

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The Great Seal of North Dakota
The Great Seal of North Dakota

The Great Seal of North Dakota is the official seal of the state of North Dakota.

Though the coloring added to the seal varies by source, the image used by Wikipedia [1] comes from the state's website.

[edit] Description

A tree in the open field, the trunk of which is surrounded by three bundles of wheat; on the right a plow, anvil and sledge; on the left, a bow crossed with three arrows, and an Indian on horseback pursuing a buffalo toward the setting sun; the foliage of the tree arched by a half circle of forty-two stars, surrounded by the motto "Liberty and Union Now and Forever, One and Inseparable"; the words Great Seal at the top; the words State of North Dakota at the bottom; October 1st on the left and 1889 on the right.

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