User:Gravity Control

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[edit] Umm...hello.

Allow me to introduce myself. you have a quarter?

I'm a Christian and I love lemonade, muffins, the color blue, Code Lyoko, Waveform Records, Musical Starstreams, ambient-dub, techno, typing, chamomile tea, animal crackers (not the shapes though), wheels, cold temperatures, writing, candle wax, and photography. Also, I'm an excellent speller.

I don't love coffee, stickers, clowns, animals, the colors maroon and olive, rock, jazz, country, rap, and all the other "popular" music types, stock market reports, and comedians.

I also write fanfiction--though I don't consider it to be very good. And I'm a photographer. Well, not a professional photographer, but I do try to be good at it. It's my mother who's encouraged me to get into it, along with another photographer...

I've started a very short article on a radio program called Musical Starstreams right here [1], and luckily some nice user expanded it so it wasn't deleted. If you know anything about Starstreams I hope you add it. I love watching articles grow.

[edit] Fanfiction! Yay!

I've been told by several fanwriters that I'm pretty good. Actually, that's not the case. It's just that writing fanfiction is really, really easy.

All one needs to write it is good spelling. It wouldn't kill anyone to add a good vocabulary and a vivid imagination. I know some fanwriters who have even moved on from fanfiction to original fiction.

Some of them have asked me to write at least a short piece of original fiction, but I don't know. It's much more of a challenge than fanfiction is, anyway, since in fanfiction you can borrow the characters, milieu, and storyline, which is 3/4 of the story. In original fiction everything must be started from scratch.

And if you care to read them (though I wouldn't bother--*sniff*), my fanfics can be found here. [2]

For my fellow fanwriters, a friend of mine posted the link to a very accurate Mary Sue test on her user page at Fanfiction.Net. The test is here. [3]

[edit] Peanut Butter Soup

How many lifeforms get to say their mother is an author? Me, for one! My mom, Birgitta Lindsey, is a self-published author! Her book is called Peanut Butter Soup. It's a childrens' book of poetry. 10% of all the profits goes to the Leukemia Society. My brother and I were the unofficial editors. And did I forget to mention Mom was the illustrator as well?

[edit] My favorite songs

  • "Pulse Dub" by Chris Zippel
  • "Autumn Leaves" (Irresistable Force Mix Trip 2) by Coldcut
  • "Orinoco Flow" by Enya
  • "Un Monde Sans Danger" by Franck Kellar and Ygal Amar
  • "Knuddlemaus" by Ulrich Schnauss
  • "Edge Hill" by Casino Versus Japan
  • "Highway to Heaven" by Rinocerose
  • "Kobresia" by Biosphere
  • "La Serenissima" by Loreena McKennitt
  • "Waters of Eden" by Tony Levin
  • "Electric Sheep" by Amniotic
  • "Sky Inside a Room" by Dust
  • "Alone" by Moby
  • "Breathing" by Beat Pharmacy
  • "Aruarian Dance" by Nujabes
  • "So Long" by Mr. Scruff
  • "Get A Move On" by Mr. Scruff
  • "Tears From the Compound Eye" by Boards of Canada
  • "Sunshine Recorder" by Boards of Canada
  • "12 O'Clock" by Irresistable Force
  • "It's Tomorrow Already" by Irresistable Force
  • "Frames with Frames" by Jimpster
  • "Dust" by Bombay Dub Orchestra
  • "The City" by Vangelis
  • "Manhatten Groove" by Mark Gorbulew
  • "Curves" by Royksopp
  • "Roots East Dub" by Ian Sandler
  • "Beautiful Things" (Gabriel and Dresden Remix) by Andain
  • "City Life" (Ian Carey Remix) by Fallen Angels

[edit] My favorite quotes

  • Eggman: When I conquer the world, I will pay you!

Vector: Don't make promises you can't keep! (Sonic Heroes)

  • Odd: If this ends badly, Jeremie, you promise to look after Kiwi?

Jeremie: If this ends badly, there'll be nobody left to look after Kiwi! (Code Lyoko, Tip-Top Shape)

  • Sonic: Eggman, you better stop, or someone's gonna get hurt!

Eggman: That was the idea. (Sonic X)

  • Herb: Sissi, where are you going? The woods are this way.

Sissi: Yes, but the stores are that way.

Herb: But we're supposed to draw plants.

Sissi: There's a florist in the shopping center.

[At the end of the episode]

Mrs. Hertz: You found an Amazonian yucca, here in our woods?

Sissi: Uh, yeah...and it wasn't easy either.

Mrs. Hertz: Is that so? Well, I think it's going to be much easier grading your work. Zero! (Code Lyoko, New Order)

  • Some guy: The fact is that nothing becomes as old as quickly as a new sound. ("Melt" by Pitch Black [nz])
  • Odd: Right, would someone please say something funny before I have a heart attack?

Aelita: My father sacrificed his life for me, and we don't even know if he's still on Lyoko.

Odd: Fine, excuse me while I have my heart attack. (Code Lyoko, The Key)

  • Odd: Would you like to go to the dance with me?

Some girl: Sure. I'm Carla.

Odd: I'm Odd.

Carla: Odd Della Robbia?!

Odd: The one and only.

Carla: Sorry, I'm already seeing someone. (Code Lyoko, The Key)

  • Canada has spoken! (Me)
  • Odd: Jim, just the man I wanted to see.

Jim: Really? What about, huh?

Odd: About disco.

Jim: Really? Oh, I love disco. I was even pretty good at it back in the old days.

Odd: I can see that. Groovy. I guess you'd know all about the film "Paco, the King of Disco."

Jim: Uh, no, never heard of it.

Odd: Oh, really? It's a fantastic film. I was gonna submit to Gustave Chardin for his film club.

Jim: Uh, I'm not sure that dud is worth showing at a film club.

Odd: So then you have seen it, Jim.

Jim: Yeah. No. I mean, I'd--I'd rather not talk about it! (Code Lyoko, Straight to Heart)

[edit] Miscellaneous words

  • Sugar can send anyone bouncing off the walls. It's strange how one's internal system can register oatmeal loaded with sugar, cinnamon, imitation vanilla, butter, and milk.
  • I love politics in summer and autumn, and I don't think Bush served his second term as well as the first. I guess he's the kind of president whom you can trust to keep America from being covered with bombs, but you wanna check the skies to make sure. I like him though, and I'm just glad Kerry lost.
  • And speaking of politics, did you know that Pennsylvania as a whole hasn't voted Republican since 1988? It's true. Pennsylvanians are either Democrats or Liberals. I think that's because a lot of their ancestors were German, but I don't know...maybe they just don't like Republicans.
  • Would you like a soda?
  • My nickname is Sissi! My mother calls me that, my friends (the few that I have) call me that, but it's okay. Although I don't know why I'm Sissi...
  • When it comes to Code Lyoko, my favorite pairings are (from greatest to least): Jeremie/Yumi, Sissi/Jeremie, and Aelita/Odd. To a lesser extent I also support Aelita/Ulrich, Ulrich/Sissi, Odd/Sissi, and Sissi/Hiroki (just kidding on that last one!).