Gravel mines

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Gravel mines, also called Button mines were small U.S. made air-dropped anti-personnel mines. They were used extensively during the Vietnam War as part of the McNamara Line.

The mines consisted of a small green or brown fabric pouch filled with explosive between two sheets of plastic. No fuse was required because the explosive content was sufficiently sensitive to detonate without a fuse.

To allow them to be handled and dropped from the air, the mines were stored soaked in Freon. Once released from their container, the Freon would evaporate in between 3 and 8 minutes, thereby arming the mines. The mines varied in size, from simple warning bomblets (Button mines), whose detonation was to be picked up by air dropped acoustic sensors and relayed to a central control centre, through to larger mines, while not powerful enough to kill a person outright, they were capable of wounding anyone stepping on it. The larger mines were fitted with a two tablet chemical system to gradually render the explosive inert, although the reliability of this mechanism is unknown.

37 million gravel mines were produced between 1967 and 1968, though mines were produced into 1970.


[edit] Specfications

The mines were typically deployed from SUU-41A/A and SUU-41B/A dispensers, with the dispensers packed into cluster bomb units with between 12 and 16 dispensers in each cluster bomb. A single bomb could contain between 1,470 and 7,500 mines. The bombs could be dropped from aircraft at between 60 and 6000 meters and at speeds of 370 km/h to 1300 km/h. The dispensers would burst at an altitude of between 200 to 300 meters, scattering the mines.

Name Shape and size Explosive content Type Notes
XM22 Quadrant, radius 64 mm 11.6 g of RDX/Lead azide Explosive
XM27 Quadrant, radius 83 mm 27.7 g of RDX/Lead azide Explosive
XM40E5 Rectangle 45 by 32 mm by 10 mm 0.54 g of Chlorate/Phosphorus based explosive Illumination / Warning "Wet" weight 6 g.
XM41 Quadrant, radius 89 mm 16.3 g of RDX/Lead azide Explosive
XM41E1 Square, 70 to 77 mm 9.4 g of RDX/Lead azide Explosive
XM44 Square, 25 mm T77 or XM114 electrical detonator Warning
XM45E1 Rectangle, 45 by 32 mm 0.7 g of RDX/Lead azide Explosive
XM65 Rectangle 76 by 70 mm 10.3 g of RDX/Lead azide Explosive

[edit] Dispenser configurations

  • SUU-41A/A
    • 150 × XM41E1 per dispenser (10 dispensers per CBU)
    • 750 × XM40E5 per dispenser (10 dispensers per CBU)
    • 650 × XM40E5 and 48x XM44 per dispenser (10 dispensers per CBU)
  • SUU-41B/A
    • 150 × XM65 per dispenser (10 dispensers per CBU)

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Jane's Mines and Mine Clearance 2005-2006
  • Arsenal of Democracy II, Tom Gervasi