Grand Trunk Pacific station naming
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At the time that the railroaders were building the mainline of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad, they had the task of finding names for the little towns along the way. Many of these towns were no more than seven miles apart and an attempt was made as far as possible to name the towns in alphabetical order.
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[edit] Town Names
Beginning at Portage La Prairie, Manitoba and travelling north-west through Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the towns along the railroad are listed below, in the order they appear on maps.
[edit] Manitoba
Alpha, Bloom, Cave, Deer, Exira, Firdale, Gregg, Harte, Ingelow, Justice, Knox, Levine, Myra, Norman, Oakner, Pope, Quadra, Rea, Uno, Treat, Victor
[edit] Saskatchewan
Welby, Yarbo, Zeneta, Atwater, Bangor, Cana, Fenwood, Goodeve, Hubbard, Ituna, Jasmin, Kelliher, Lestock, Mosten, Punnichy, Quinton, Raymore, Semans, Tate, Undora, Venn, Watrous, Xena, Young, Zelma, Allan, Bradwell, Clavet, Duro, Earl, Farley, Grandora, Hawoods, Ivana, Juniata, Kinley, Leney, Mead, Neola, Oban, Palo, Reford, Scott, Tako, Unity, Vera, Winter, Yonker, Zumbro, Artland
[edit] Alberta
Butze, Chauvin, Dunn, Edgerton, Greenshield, Fabyan, Hawkins, Wainwright, Irma, Jarrow, Kinsella, Meighen, Nestor, Poe, Ryley, Shonts, Tofield, Uncas, Ardrossan, Bremner, Clover Bar, Edmonton, Fallis, Gainford, Hargwen, Immie, Junkins, Keston, Leaman, Mackay, Niton, Otley, Peers, Roseyear, Thornton, Wolf Creek, Yates, Ansell, Bickerdike, Dalehurst, Entrance, Jasper