Grand Lodge of Armenia

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The Grand Lodge of Armenia is the national body of Freemasonry in Armenia. It was consecrated in 2002 by representatives of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, the Grande Loge Nationale Française and the Grand Lodge of Russia.

The Grand Lodge of Armenia is recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England ("the mother lodge of the world") as adhering to the ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry.

According to Grand Lodge 1717-1967 (Page 235, Oxford University Press, 1967) a "Dr Dionysius Manasse was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Armenia by the M.W. Grand Master Earl Ferrers in 1764, but nothing is known about either him or his masonic activities". This obviously refers to a Provincial Grand Lodge under the English Constitution, and not a sovereign Grand Lodge of Armenia.

Official website of the Grand Lodge of Armenia