Grand Challenge problem

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A Grand Challenge Problem is a general category of unsolved problems. The definition of a Grand Challenge problem has a certain degree of inherent subjectivity surrounding what is, or is not, a Grand Challenge. A Grand Challenge problem exhibits at least the following characteristics:

  1. The problem is demonstrably hard to solve, requiring several orders-of-magnitude improvement in the capability required to solve it.
  2. The problem cannot be unsolvable. If it probably can't be solved, then it can't be a Grand Challenge. Ideally, quantifiable measures that indicate progress toward a solution are also definable.
  3. The solution to a Grand Challenge problem must have a significant economic and/or social impact.

Another, more simple definition is:

A grand challenge problem is one that cannot be solved in a reasonable amount of time with today's computers.

Fundamental scientific problems currently being explored generate increasingly complex data, require more realistic simulations of the processes under study, and demand greater and more intricate visualizations of the results. These problems often require numerous large-scale calculations and collaborations between people with multiple disciplines and locations.

The following are some examples of Grand Challenge problems:

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links

  • Grand Challenge Net - contains GraB the Grand Challenge Blog, a proposed Grand Challenge Hardness Scale, and references to known Grand Challenges.
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