Gran March

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In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Gran March is a political state of the Flanaess.


[edit] History

[edit] Geography

The modern Gran March is generally located in the western-central portion of the Flanaess, and is considered part of the Sheldomar Valley region. It is bordered by Bissel to the north, the Lortmil Mountains to the north and northeast, the Lort River to the east, Sheldomar River and the Rushmoors to the south, and the Realstream River to the west.

As of 591 CY, the most populous towns are Hookhill (pop. 7,500), and Shiboleth (pop. 5,900).

[edit] People

[edit] Population

As of 591 CY, the population of Gran March totaled 254,600 persons, the vast majority (almost 80%) being humans of mainly Suel and Oeridian descent. Elves are the next largest group (8%, mainly Sylvan), followed by dwarves (5%), halflings (3%), and gnomes (2%); a mix of half-elves, half-orcs and other races makes up the remainder of the population.

[edit] Religion

The most popular deities among Gran March's citizens are Heironeous, St. Cuthbert, Pholtus, Fharlanghn, Zilchus, the Oeridian agricultural gods, Phyton, and Obad-Hai.

[edit] Languages

The most widely-spoken languages in Gran March include Common, Keolandish, Elven, and Dwarven.

[edit] Government

Gran March is a feudal monarchy, ruled by His Most Resolute Magnitude, Magnus Vrianian, Commandant of Gran March; the commandant is chosen by a vote of nobles and knights every five years. The current state owes minor fealty to Keoland, and oversees the current government in Bissel. The government and nobles are strongly militarily oriented, with many connections to the Knights of the Watch

The national capital is Hookhill.

[edit] Heraldry

Gran March's coat of arms is blazoned thus: Argent; on a chief party per pale gules and azure, in dexter a lion rampant sable, in sinister a sword per bend sinister of the second.

[edit] Economy

[edit] Resources

Gran March is noted for producing a variety of foodstuffs, cloth, copper, and high-quality gems.

[edit] Currency

Gran March's standard coinage is based on Keoland's coinage and consists of the platinum griffon (pp), gold lion (gp), electrum eagle (ep), silver white owl (sp), and copper heron (cp).

[edit] Transportation

[edit] Military

[edit] References

[edit] External link