Graduate Theological Union

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The Graduate Theological Union is a consortium of nine independent seminaries and schools of theology and eight program centers mainly in Berkeley, California as well as San Anselmo, CA. The close relationship among these schools is meant to encourage ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. Students may take classes at any of the member schools, most of which are within a few city blocks of one another. The GTU offers the Ph.D., Th.D., and M.A. degrees, while each of the nine member schools offers the M.Div. degree in preparation for the ministry. The GTU maintains a single comprehensive library for all of its member schools. It was founded in the early 1960s and today serves approximately 1300 students.

[edit] Member Schools and Centers

  • Center for Jewish Studies
  • Institute of Buddhist Studies
  • Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute
  • Center for the Arts, Religion, and Education
  • Center for the Study of Religion and Culture
  • Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
  • New College Berkeley
  • School of Applied Theology

[edit] External links