Governor-General of Taiwan

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The position of Governor-General of Taiwan (臺灣總督府 Taiwan Sōtokufu?) existed when Taiwan and the Pescadores were part of the Empire of Japan, from 1895 to 1945. It was briefly continued between 1945 to 1947 under Chinese rule.


[edit] List of Japanese Governors-General of Taiwan

The Japanese Governor-Generals were members of the Diet, civilian officials, Japanese nobles or generals. They exercised their power on behalf of the Sovereign of Taiwan (the Emperor of Japan) until the dissolution of the Empire when the dominion was ceded to the Republic of China.

  1. Kabayama Sukenori, 樺山 資紀, Admiral, Viscount 1895-05-21 to 1896-June
  2. Katsura Taro 桂 太郎, Lt. General, Viscount 1896-06-02 to 1896-October
  3. Nogi Maresuke 乃木 希典, Lt. General, Baron 1896-10-14 to 1898-January
  4. Kodama Gentaro 兒玉 源太郎, Lt. General, Baron 1898-02-26 to 1906-April
  5. Sakuma Samata 佐久間 左馬太, General, Viscount 1906-04-15 to 1915-May
  6. Ando Sadami 安東 貞美, General, Baron 1915-51 to 1918-June
  7. Akashi Motojiro 明石 元二郎, Lt. General 1918-June to 1919-November
  8. Den Kenjiro 田 健治郎, 寺內內閣閣員 , Baron 1919-10-31 to 1923-September
  9. Uchida Kakichi 內田 嘉吉, Member of House of Peers 1923-09-06 to 1924-September
  10. Izawa Takio 伊澤 多喜男, Member of House of Peers 1924-09-01 to 1926-July
  11. Kamiyama Mitsunoshin 上山 滿之進, literary figure 1926-07-16 to 1928-June
  12. Kawamura Takeji 川村竹治, Member of House of Peers 1928-06-16 to 1929-July
  13. Ishizuka Eizo 石塚英藏, Member of House of Peers 1929-07-30 to 1931-January
  14. Ota Masahiro 太田 政弘, Director of Kwantung Leased Territory? (關東廳長官) 1931-01-16 to 1932-March
  15. Minami Hiroshi 南 弘, Member of House of Peers 1932-03-02 to 1932-May
  16. Nakagawa Kenzo 中川 健蔵, Undersecretary of Education 1932-05-271936-September
  17. Kobayashi Seizo 小林 躋造, Admiral 1936-June to 1940-November
  18. Hasegawa Kiyoshi 長谷川 清, Admiral 1940-12-16 to 1944-December
  19. Ando Rikichi 安藤 利吉, General 1944-45-2.30 – 1945-October

[edit] List of Chinese Governors-General of Taiwan

There is only one Chinese Governor-General in Taiwan history. The ROC government in Nanking abolished the governor-generalship in 1947 and established a Taiwan Province to appease the insurgence in the 228 incident and to assure Taiwanese that they would be treated equally as the Chinese people. [1]

  1. Chen Yi 陳儀, 警備總司令, 1945-10-25 to 1947-May

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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