Gospel Hall

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A Gospel Hall is the name given to a meeting place of evangelical christians with close historical ties to the Plymouth Brethren movement commonly associated with J.N. Darby. It is a non-conformist movement. Congregants generally reject the idea that they are a denomination and refer to themselves as non-denominational. They believe the fellowship is not and should not be based on what Christians call their building. However, gospel halls tend to gather together regularly, share itinerant preachers and publish books and other literature for the body of halls that exist. Gospel hall congregants are also welcome at one another's meeting places as long as they produce a letter from their elders or oversight to comfirm that they hold to the pracitices of the gospel hall movement and are in fellowship with a particular gospel hall.

[edit] Summary

A Gospel Hall is the name usually given to a special auditorium used for peaching of the good news. In the past there has been some who have abused the phrase "Gospel Hall" labeling it a sect. Some ask "Is a Gospel Hall a special second name?" The phrase 'Hall' is defined as an auditorium condone public meetings and activities. A hall is synomous with room, home, facility, and auditorium. For example; "The Carnegie Music Hall is a place for people to gather to hear music." Therefore a gospel hall is a place for people to gather to hear the Gospel. Its impoetant to remember that Christians believe the fellowship is not and should not be based on what Christians call their building.


On the lords day congregants assemble in the hall to remember the Lord and His death on the cross. During this meeting the congregants in the assembly meet to thank God in prayer; and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Sometimes, Lord willing scripture is read during the meeting. Afterwards someone will rise to give thanks for the solid loaf of bread; then shall it be circuited around to be taken as a remembrance of the Lords body. Then another will rise and give thanks for the wine, and the cup will be passed round to be taken as a remembrance of the Lord blood. This is all done in accordance with the Word of God where the Lord said, "This do in remembrance of Me." Luke 22v19-20/1 Corinthians 11v23-26.

Gospel Meeting

Every week the congregants meet again to participate in a gospel meeting. The gospel meeting is an evangelistic outreach targeted too unbelievers. This is where scripture is opened and those in attendance are shown how to obtain peace with God as seen in God's Word.

Prayer Meeting

During a day of the week, the congregants will meet again to have a prayer meeting and read and study from the Word of God. Congregants gives spiritual advice or relates something on their heart to others by unction of Holy Spirit. During the prayer meeting the believers will gather to pray for things happening in the world and for people they know, and sometimes for upcoming special Gospel meetings. After this is a reading where the Christians will look into the Holy Bible and observe the things found there and relate it to the Christians walk. After a study in the scriptures, one of the men will rise to give a prayer and close the meeting.

[edit] See also

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