Gopala (Pala king)

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"Gopala" redirects here. For the mathematician, see Gopala (mathematician). For the protectors of cows, see Krishna.

Gopala (ruled 750770) was the founder of the Pala Dynasty of Bengal. The last syllable of his name i.e., Pala means "protector" and was used as an ending to the names of all the Pala monarchs. Pala does not suggest or indicate any ethnic or caste considerations of the Pala dynasty.


[edit] Democratic election of Gopala

Gopala was the first independent Buddhist king of Bengal and came to power in 750 in Gauda by democratic election as per evidence furnished by Taranatha.[1] After the death of famous Gauda ruler Sasanka, there ensued a century of anarchy and confusion in Bengal. Tired of ceasless political chaos and anarchy, the people of Bengal, in 750 AD, selected a person named Gopala to put an end to this sorry state of affairs.[2] Gopala was already a leading military General and had made a mark as a great ruler. His father Vapyata was also a noted military chief of his time and was son of Davita Vishnu who is described as a learned man of no military distinctions.Gopal is a person who has a very big build

[edit] Life sketch of Gopala

Not much is known about the life or military career of king Gopla but at the time of his death, Gopala had bequathed a legacy which facilitated the creation of a great dynasty of the future by his son Dharmapala. He is believed to have consolidated his hold on the whole of Bengal. His reign-period is not precisely known but is believed to have spanned 750 AD through 770 AD. It was his son and successor Dharmapala (770-810) who really made the Palas a pre-dominant power of Northern India.

[edit] Religious leanings

Taranatha, a Tibetan historian, attests that Gopala was a staunch Buddhist and had built famous Buddhist monastry at Otantapura.[3]

[edit] Ethnicity of Gopala

The ethnicity of Gopala or his progeny is not clearly stated in any of the numerous Pala records. But Gopala is stated to have belonged to Kshatriya lineage.[4] According to Taranath,[5] Gopala was born of a Kshatriya family near Pundravardhan (north Bengal) and was later selected a ruler of Bhangala (Vangala).[6]

Ramachrita of Sandhyakar Nandi, a court poet of later Palas, states that the Pala dynasty belonged to Samudrakula or Ocean lineage. It is not clear what this really means. Probably, this holds a clue that the ancestors of the Palas belonged to a shipping community of kshatriya cum-trading group who conducted trade via sea with other nations. This may allude to their probable links with the northwest Kambojas who are also attested to have been both a Kshatriyas as well as traders class (varatta-shastropajivins).[7]

The Kamauli Grant of king Vaidyadeva of Kamarupa (Assam) connects the Palas to 'Surya lineage' (Mihirasya vamsa)[8] [1]. This may again imply their probable connections with the ancient Kambojas who were indisputably Sun/Fire worshipping Iranians.[9]

Ramachrita further states that Varendri or North Bengal was the fatherland(Janakabhu) of the Palas.[10]

[edit] References

  1. ^ History of Buddhism in India, Translation: A. Shiefner.
  2. ^ The Age of Imperial Kanauj, History and Culture of Indian People, 1964, p 45, Dr R. C. Majumdar, Dr A. D. Pusalkar.
  3. ^ History of Buddhism in India, Translation by A Shiefner
  4. ^ Ancient India, 2003, p 648, Dr V. D. Mahajan
  5. ^ Op cit.
  6. ^ The Age of Imperial Kanauj, History and Culture of Indian People, 1964, p 45, Dr R. C. Majumdar, Dr A. D. Pusalkar.
  7. ^ Kautaliya Arthashastra, 11.1.4; Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira, 5/35; Mahabharata 7.23.42.
  8. ^ Epigraphia Indica, XXIV, p 43, Dr N. G. Majumdar; Ancient Kamboja, People and the Country, 1981, p 316, Dr J. L. Kamboj; For Samdurakula and Sun lineage, also cf History and Culture of Indian People, The Age of Imperial Kanauj, p 44, Dr Majumdar, Dr Pusalkar
  9. ^ The expression Mihirasya means connected with or relating to the Sun or Sun Worship (Sanskrit Mitra, Persian Mithira == > Mihira = Sun). According to Bhavishya Purana, the Mihira lineage originated from the union of Nishkubha, daughter of Rsi Rijihva and the Sun (Mihira) (Dr D. R. Bhandarkar, Dr Buddha Parkash). From this wedlock was born a sage called Zarashata, who apparently is Zoroaster of the Iranian traditions. Mihirasya Vamsa means Mihira Vamsa which is also found written as Mihirkula i.e., lineage of the Sun-worshippers. The Kamauli Grant thus holds a probable clue that the Palas may have come from the Sun-Worshipping lineage i.e., Iranian or Zoroastrian line of the Kambojas.
  10. ^ Ibid.

[edit] Book references

  • History and Culture of Indian People, The Age of Imperial Kanauj, p 44, Dr Majumdar, Dr Pusalka
  • Ramachrita by Sandhyakar Nandi
  • Ancient India, 2003, Dr V. D. Mahajan
  • Ancient Kamboja, People and the Country, 1981, Dr J. L. Kamboj
  • Epigraphia Indica, XVIII
  • Epigraphia Indica, II
  • Indian Antiquary, XV

[edit] See also

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