User:Golden User/Alice Cleaver

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Alice Catherine Cleaver ([ July 5, 1889 - November 1, 1984 ]), the daughter of Joseph Cleaver and Lavinia Alice Thomas - Cleaver of Pancras,England. While she was still as tennager Alice worked as a nanny for the wealthy Londoners.

In April of 1912 she was hired by multi millionaires Hudson Josh and Bessie Allison of Montreal ,Quebec, Canada. as a nursemaid to the Allisons children, three year old Lorraine and 11 month old Trevor.

On April 10, 1912 the Allisons boarded the R.M.S. Titanic heading home for Canada. On the night of the sinking Hudson went on deck to see the "fun" while Bessie and Alice dressed the childred. But an hour elapsed and Hudson still had not returned. Bessie began to panic and Alice, unable to calm her, abandoned her and Lorraine but Alice grabbed Baby Trevor and ran to the lifeboats. The rest of the Allisons were unaware that Alice had taken the baby to safety and searched for the infant until it was too late. Hudson, Bessie ,and Lorraine all died in the disaster.

Later Alice was crownded a heroine for saving the infants life and later got several jobs working as a nursemaid. She married surgeon Edward Williams and they had two daughters one of whom, who later wrote a biography called From the Workhouse to Prison to .... the Titanic? about her mother.

Alice Cleaver died on November 1, 1984. Trevor Allison, the baby she saved, died in 1929 at the age of 18 from ptomaine poisoning.