Gold Star

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The Gold Star is the highest state decoration in the Soviet Union and several post-Soviet states. Titles that came with the decoration were the formerly Hero of the Soviet Union and the current Hero of Belarus, Hero of the Russian Federation and Hero of Ukraine.

The Gold Star was established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on August 1, 1939 (it was called "Hero of the Soviet Union" until October 16, 1939). This medal is a gold star hanging from a ribbon of the colour(s) of the flag of the country that issued it (red for the USSR; white/blue/red for the Russian Federation). It is worn on the left side of the chest above other orders and medals.

The medal is awarded for extraordinary achievements in either the military or the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), often posthumously. Multiple medals can be awarded; Aleksandr Pokryshkin and Ivan Kozhedub (the top-scoring Allied air aces of World War II with 59 and 62 kills, respectively) were famous for earning three Gold Stars each. In the late Soviet years, it was mainly cosmonauts who received the award, as Soviet cosmonauts all served in the Air Military Forces (VVS).

The award lost some of its meaning when Soviet leaders after Josef Stalin began giving themselves Gold Stars. Leonid Brezhnev was "awarded" five over his lifetime. In recent years the two Chechen Wars (1994–1996 and 1999—) have created many Heroes of the Russian Federation, mainly among the militsiya and MVD servicemen.

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