Gojyou Shiouji

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Doctor Gojyou Shiouji (四王子五条 Shiōji Gojō?) is a fictional character in the animated series, Excel Saga, and the manga upon which it is based. He is voiced by Kazuhiko Inoue in the original Japanese and Spike Spencer in the English dub.


[edit] Role in the story

Dr. Shiouji is a brilliant man; a genius in the field of robotics and weapons design. He's also a distinctly pretty man, and although his degree of honesty is admirable, it often reaches the point of being brusque. Shiouji's most obvious character flaw is, however, the fact that he is an immediately-apparent pedophile.

[edit] In the anime

The anime saw Kabapu hire Shiouji to construct the Ropponmatsu android to add physical power and technical expertise to his team of Daitenzin-to-be, but when she was blown up on her first bomb-disposal mission, Shiouji's personal "preferences" lead him to construct a second model crafted in the likeness of a pre-pubescent catgirl.

Shiouji's pedophilic tendencies fall to the wayside of his character at first - his meetings with Kabapu occur at a bench beisde a children's playground, and he has at least one child working in his laboratory , but his robotics expertise is the larger part of his role in the series. That is, until the final episode, which sees his sexual preferences in full swing when he and eight-year-old assassin Cosette abscond to a love hotel. Shiouji quickly abandoned the scene, however, upon discovering that Cosette was a fully developed young woman, announcing that big boobs and pubic hair really turn him off.

[edit] In the manga

In contrast to the comedic character of the anime, the manga went on to develop Shiouji to exceptional degrees, showing how his life had been shaped by his past with his family. Gojyou's father was Temugin Shiouji, a robotics genius of a level Gojyou himself has not even begun to approach, who one day vanished without a trace when Gojyou was six. His mysterious departure had a profound effect on his wife, Gojyou's mother, Miwa, who had previously been withdrawn and timid, and suddenly became an outgoing, sexual person. Showering her son with excesses of affection and attention, Miwa imprinted on Gojyou a distorted perception of women.

On his fourteenth birthday, Shiouji had a chance meeting with his cousin, Umi. Struck by the simple, beautiful purity of the young girl, compared to his outrageous mother, Shiouji dedicated his life to preseving this newly-discovered icon of perfection. Unfortunately for him, time and puberty soon overtook Umi, and she blossomed into a woman herself, robbing Gojyou of a meaning in his life. He is later found: sitting on a park bench, eyeing little girls with bad intent, and is not merely some lusty sexual perversion - in these girls, he hopes to find motivation and purpose once again.

[edit] Ropponmatsu

Ropponmatsu (六本松 ropponmatsu?) is an android, whose creation was begun by Shiouji's father and completed by Shiouji himself at the request of Kabapu. In the anime, Ropponmatsu's destruction sees her replaced with a younger version, Ropponmatsu II, but the original is soon restored to operational status, and both Ropponmatsus serve on the Daitenzin in purple and pink outfits as Daitenzin Twin Cinemas One and Two. When Il Palazzo conquers the City of F, the secret weapon Kabapu unleashes against him is a veritable army of Ropponmatsus Ones.

The manga's introduction of the character is precisely the same, as is her intitial destruction. However, the two Ropponmatsus do not co-exist in the manga, with only one being operational at a time (and Ropponmatsu I's body briefly being used to house the disembodied brain of Norikun Iwata). The reason for this later became apparent with the revelation that Kapabu hailed from the ancient land of Solaria.

Solaria, Kabapu claimed, destroyed itself through technological hubris, and he had dedicated himself to wiping out any remaining traces of the civilisation's Overtechnology. Planning ahead for the day when he would locate the final ruins of Solaria, the gate to which only a member of Solaria's royalty could open, Kabapu sealed the life-essence of Solaria's princess within an object known as "the core," and, seeking a host vessel for it, recruited Temugin Shiouji to construct Ropponmatsu for that purpose. With Temugin's disappearance, Kabapu eventually turned to Shiouji when he came of age; that is why only one Ropponmatsu is ever active at any one time, as the non-duplicatable core is transferred from body to body.

[edit] Triva

  • In both the anime and manga, Ropponmatsu ver.2.0 has been confirmed to be more of Gojyou's preference than Ropponmatsu ver.1.0
  • In volume 14 of Excel Saga, Ropponmatsu pulls a fast one on Iwata after being launched in the air and having an arm blown off.
Excel Saga
Major Characters:
Excel | Hyatt | Ilpalazzo | Kabapu | Nabeshin | Shiouji | That Man
Characters | Media
Municipal Force Daitenzin | Puni Puni Poemy | Rikdo Koshi