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I noticed that a number of pages refer to the works of the WfMC and the Workflow Management Coalition. I clicked on the link, and found that no page exists, as this nice welcome to create one.

So I created one, but it was removed. First time because one paragraph of the description matched another paragraph of a description of the coalition in a press release issued by the coalition.

OK, I understand the need to avoid copyright problems, even though I know that this particular paragraph is given out specifically to be used as a description of the coalition. So I wrote up a shorter unique description. This one, it appears, sounded like advertising, and was not notable enough.

OK, I understand also that blatant advertising is not appropriate either. Got deleted again. The next version was not notable enough, and got delete again.

But all I am trying to do is to give people a factual, useful entry if they they ask the question: "What is the WfMC". It is my first entry so I don't mind re-writing, but the problem with deleting a page entirely is that the discussion also goes away.

[edit] Why is WfMC Notable?

Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) is a legitimate consortium which has had a defining effect on the information technology industry over the last 13 years. There are 300 member organizations spread across the world. There are local chapters in Japan, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Taiwan, Korea, and a number of other place. The standards are incorportated into dozens of commercial products, as well as a dozen or so open source workflow systems. There are many academic paper written on the subject of the subjects of comparing research implementations to the WfMC reference architecture.

  A topic is notable if it has been the subject of multiple, non-trivial published 
  works from sources that are reliable and independent of the subject itself and each other. 
  • Mike Havey, "Essential Business Process Modeling", Publisher: O'Reilly, August 2005 ISBN: 0-596-00843-0 'Chapter Seven. The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC)'
  • The office of the Prime Minister requests that all workflow projects in the UK follow WfMC standards.
  • Schulze, W., Bohm, M., and Meyer-Wegener, K., Services of Workflow Objects and Workflow Meta-Objects in OMG-compliant environments, Workshop on Business Object Design and Implementation II, OOPSLA, 1996.
  • Kaya, Atila, masters thesis, "Workflow Interoperability: The Wf{MC} Reference Model and an Implementation", year = "2001", url = ""
  • "Pockets of Flexibility in Workflow Specification" published by Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2001
  • "A Portable Approach to Exception Handling in Workflow Management Systems", Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS) 2006 International Conference, references WfMC standards in the area of workflow. (DOI 10.1007/11914853_13)
  • "A Workflow Modeling Framework Enhanced with Problem-Solving Knowledge", from "Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems", (DOI 10.1007/11893011_79) reprinted in "Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems" references the WfMC Workflow Reference Model.
  • Chapter: "Interoperability of Workflow Engines Based on Agents Using Semantics", Book: "Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use", Gabrielle D'Annunzio Cavalcanti and Pedro Porfírio Muniz Farias, discusses the relevance of WfMC standards
  • Chapter: "Workflow-Management-Systeme" book: "Ein Beitrag der IT zur Geschäftsprozeß-Orientierung & -Optimierung - Grundlagen, Standards und Trends", (DOI 10.1007/s002870050129) author: Christian Hastedt-Marckwardt, Journal: Informatik-Spektrum, Volume 22, Number 2 / April, 1999, discusses both WfMC standards as well as SWAP.
  • Journal Article: "Workflow Requirements Modelling Using XML", Journal: Requirements Engineering, Issue: Volume 7, Number 3 / September, 2002

Authors: Bill Karakostas, Dimitris Panagiotakis and George Fakas. discusses XML models that follows the Workflow Management Coalition interoperability standards.

  • Book Chapter: Evolution of Service Processes by Rule Based Transformation
    • DOI 10.1007/1-4020-8155-3_16
    • Book Series IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
    • Volume Volume 146/2004
    • Book Building the E-Service Society
    • Authors Christian Zirpins and Giacomo Piccinelli
    • Abstract ...builds on the standard workflow meta-model proposed by the WfMC (Workflow Management Coalition). The change logic is expressed by transformation rules that can be...
    • Text PDF (1,321 kb)
  • "The WfMC glossary", Workflow handbook 1997, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997, ISBN:0-471-96947-8

[edit] References

  • Wil M.P. van der Aalst, "Business Process Management Demystified: A Tutorial on Models, Systems and Standards for Workflow Management", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3098/2004.
  • Jianxun Liu, Shensheng Zhang, Jinming Hu, "A case study of an inter-enterprise workflow-supported supply chain management system", Information and Management, Volume 42, Issue 3 (March 2005), Pages: 441 - 454, ISSN:0378-7206